
Arduino Firmware for the SphereBot, an EggBot inspired robot

Primary LanguageArduino

stty -F /dev/my_serial_port <baud_rate> cs8 cread clocal As always, read the manpage before applying the above. cread allows you to receive data. You may want to omit clocal if you are using flow control. If you aren’t sure what the above settings are, ask, and I can write up a more complete answer.



This is the firmware for an EggBot-style SphereBot. The firmware directly interprets GCode send over the serial port.

Detailed build instructions can be found on instructables.



This sketch uses the following non-standard libraries (install them in the Arduino library directory): SoftwareServo TimerOne

Install the libraries

unzip TimerOne* -d TimerOne
sudo mv TimerOne /usr/share/arduino/libraries/

Remember to set the MS1-MS3 pins on the stepstick to high in order to enable micro stepping - not low as the wireScheme shows

I’m using the SM42HT47-1684A stepper motors with 1.8°/step, eg set the following in SphereBot.ino: XAXIS_STEP_PER_REVOLUTION = 200; // 360° / 1.8 °/step = 200

GCode commands

The scaling and speed does not work completely. For the files en the gcode folder, add this: M402 S3.5 (zoom) and set the fill speed to F10000.00

M01 Change pen

G90 Absolut modus G91 Icremental modus:

M300S0 Servo 0 degree M300S90 Servo 90 degree

M18 Stepper off

G0X0Y40 Rapid movement (pen 0mm, rotation 40mm) G1X40Y0 Slower movement (pen 40mm, rotation 0mm) G1Y10F660 Movement with feed 660mm/s (rotation 10mm)

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Copyright 2011 by Eberhard Rensch http://pleasantsoftware.com/developer/3d Released under the GPLv3

Part of this code is based on/inspired by the Helium Frog Delta Robot Firmware by Martin Price http://www.HeliumFrog.com