
Python program for analyzing and identifying nonlinear vibrations

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

.. image:: images/logo_small.svg


This repository contains the pyvib packages. A python library for nonlinear state space modeling using white-, gray- and blackbox models. See the documentation for further info.




This library requires numpy, scipy and python3.7. E.g. on Linux:

pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install cython


To generate the documentation you will need Sphinx:

pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

And to run the tests you can use your favourite test runner, for example pytest:

  pip install pytest pytest-benchmark


To install, use::

python setup.py build_ext --inplace
python setup.py install

To generate a package, use:

  python setup.py sdist --dist-dir .


To generate the documentation, run in the doc folder:

sphinx-apidoc --separate -f -o modules ../pyvib
make html

To push generated docs online on the gh-pages branch, run the helper script

  python push_documentation.py [remote]

where remote is the name of the remote to push to. If not given, it will be asked.


To run the tests, you can use your favourite test runner. For example, with pytest::

  py.test pyvib test_utils --benchmark-skip

Code analysis

You can use pylint3 to perform static code analysis on the module. This can help identify bugs and give suggestions for improvements.

To install, use:

  pip3 install pylint

To perform the code analysis, use:

  pylint -d C --rcfile=pylint.cfg splipy/


To make a new release, it is recommended to install bumpversion. To make a new release, run:

  bumpversion <type>

where type is one of patch, minor or major. This will up the version number, create a commit and a tag. To push this to github, use:

  git push --tags

After that, to create the actual packages, run:

rm -rf dist
python setup.py sdist
python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal

to create a source distribution and a wheel. These can then be uploaded where they need to be uploaded. The recommended way to do that is using twine:

  twine upload dist/* -r <index>

Where index is the name of the index in your ~/.pypirc where you want to upload.