
An open list of awesome Level modules and resources.

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Awesome Level

An open list of awesome Level modules and resources. Add yours!

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Convenience modules that bundle a store with levelup and encoding-down.

levelup Last commit Contributors

Bundle for leveldown and level-js. Main entry point for beginners.

levelup Last commit Contributors

Bundle for memdown.

levelup Last commit Contributors

Bundle for rocksdb.

levelup Last commit Contributors

Bundle for leveldown-hyper.

levelup Last commit Contributors

Bundle for indexeddown. Alternative to level.


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The glue that holds everything together. Use this when you need a custom or swappable store.

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An abstract prototype matching the leveldown API. Use this to implement your own store.

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Package helper to export a bundle. Use this to create a new level-* bundle.


Modules that implement abstract-leveldown as storage for levelup.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by LevelDB.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by in-memory RBTree.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by IndexedDB.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by RocksDB.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by HyperLevelDB.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by medea.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by JSON on disk

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by AsyncStorage (React Native).

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by MongoDB.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by sqlite3, pg, mysql or WebSQL.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by AWS DynamoDB.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by Windows Azure Table Storage.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by IndexedDB (Apple).

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by localStorage.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by riakpbc.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by MySQL.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by Redis.


Backed by Basho's LevelDB fork.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by Google Sheets.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by IndexedDB.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by LMDB.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by localStorage in Node.js.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by Aerospike.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by AWS S3.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by Gaia.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by AWS DynamoDB.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by localForage.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by LevelDB (React Native).

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Backed by Hyperbee.


Modules that implement abstract-leveldown to wrap another abstract-leveldown. This is the preferred extension point.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Provides key/value encoding.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Provides encryption for values.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Handles delayed-open. Built into levelup.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

Copy-on-write abstract-leveldown layer.

abstract-leveldown Last commit Contributors

A stream-based abstract prototype.


Custom level-codec compatible encodings for use with encoding-down.

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Encode/decode with same encoded sort order as bytewise.

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Binary serialization which sorts bytewise for arbitrarily complex data structures. NB. Use charwise if possible. Gives you almost everything bytewise does but much faster.

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Protocol Buffers for Node.js. Compiled messages are level-codec compatible encodings.

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Wraps lexicographic-integer.


Modules related to splitting a database into sections a.k.a. sublevels.

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Split a levelup database into sublevels with their own keyspace, encoding and events.

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Create a temporary subleveldown sublevel that is guaranteed to be empty.

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Mount multiple abstract-leveldown stores by key prefix onto a single store. Can be used with subleveldown.

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Keypath subspaces prefixed with bytewise tuples. Similar to level-sublevel. NB. bytewise - and thus bytespace - can be slow. Consider using subleveldown paired with the charwise encoding instead.

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Adds the ability to create subsections with the same API as levelup, but only write/read to a prefixed section, or bucket, of the key-space. Each section also has level-hooks installed. NB. No longer maintained. We recommend subleveldown instead.

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Utility to prefix a key with a sublevel prefix.

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Find level-sublevel sublevels, not requiring them to be in memory already.

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Generate a tree from level-sublevel sublevels, useful when there is no manifest.

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Superlevel adds a "super" level that allows accessing the entire database, discovering level-sublevel sublevels and browsing the database without knowledge of the sublevel structure.

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Use path-like keys to separate sections of levelup, with hooks. Adapted from level-sublevel.

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Mirror and optionally transform data from one level-sublevel sublevel into another.


Modules for indexing, alternative forms of querying data, MapReduce models and other forms of data processing.

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Automatic secondary indexing for levelup and subleveldown.

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Query levelup with a MongoDB-like query API that returns streams.

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A full MongoDB query language implementation with indexes for querying levelup.

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Yet another indexing plugin for levelup. By providing only a low-level querying mechanism it gives you the power to build more complicated and optimized queries on top of it.

NB. Relies on bytewise and level-sublevel, both of which have caveats.

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Create an inverted index for full-text search.

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A MapReduce implementation on top of levelup. Allows you to define a map reduce query that will run on top of your db. The map reduces are incremental, and you can query the results in real-time.

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Like map-reduce but simpler. Has a batch component that runs periodically, and a real-time component that fills in the gaps. Good for generating inverted indexes.

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A generic pluggable query-engine system (that supports indexes) for levelup.

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Triggers for levelup. Runs an async job when a key changes. All jobs will eventually run, even across restarts!

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A light-weight full text search engine for levelup (Port of TJ's reds redis search engine).

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Extends map-reduce and level-mapped-index to provide easy to setup chained MapReduce. An example use case is to find the top 10 values after a reduce.

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Query levelup using a JavaScript property path array syntax with indexes.

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Generic pluggable indexing system for levelup.

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High-level API for creating secondary indexes.

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Create and query secondary indexes.

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Inverted index built upon levelup.

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Remove the old indexes in the same batch as the new ones are inserted.

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Range indexes for levelup.

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Index properties of items that live in a tree of materialized paths.

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SQL queries for levelup.

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Store any string into levelup, and get a collision free hash of that value that you can use in an index (or similar).

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Another high-level API for creating secondary indexes, using level-auto-index.

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Generic indexer for levelup. Only stores document keys for space efficiency.

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Lightweight indexing and querying with the LLCJ query language.

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Index and filter level-sublevel databases and watch for future changes.

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Relational foreign key associations (hasMany, belongsTo) for levelup.

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Tree indexer for levelup.

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Create indexes from a changes-feed. Provides a way to create a materialized view on top of an append-only log.

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levelup interface that uses an abstract-leveldown store that writes to a changes-feed to store its state.

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A wrapper for level that keeps inserted items ordered.


Complete Node.js databases built with Level.

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Lets you build streaming data pipelines that can be shared and replicated by others.

PouchDB allows you to store and query data offline and then sync with CouchDB when online. For Node, browser and mobile.

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A CouchDB implementation on top of levelup.

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A node.js implementation of firebase based on levelup.

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Len is a resource booking database using LevelDB for storage. Useful for calendar and gantt chart apps and for questions like 'can a customer book this resource starting X and ending Y'.

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Lem is a telemetry storage database using LevelDB. Keys are indexed by timestamp and you can read values in-between 2 points in time.

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A Graph database built on top of levelup with pattern-matching and join support.

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Persistent database on top of levelup for Node.js/NW.js with MongoDB-style queries, Mongoose-like models and a map/reduce system.

Last commit Contributors

Event-driven database based on pouchdb. Optimized for reactive programming with observables. Events and state is automatically shared between multiple browser tabs. Queries are defined by the mongoDB mango-standard.

Last commit Contributors

A programmable database with document storage and unique indexing capabilities.

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A persistent full text search engine for browser and Node.js.

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A responsive, Node.js-style database ideal for realtime data. Highly modular and adaptable, allowing extension with the Level ecosystem.

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A full-featured timeseries database on top of LevelDB. Includes a library for streaming statistical operations on timeseries data including joins, aggregates, filters, and map-like operations.

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A small (10Kb) RDBMS abstraction on top of levelup that also runs in the browser with undo/redo support, immutable objects and IndexedDB persistence.

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LevelDB distributed, Server and Client!

Last commit Contributors

FlashStore is a Key-Value persistent storage with easy to use ES6 Map-like API(both Async and Sync support), powered by LevelDB and TypeScript.

Last commit Contributors

Store immutable facts and query them with datalog.

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Define JSON models and manage indexes, children, foreign keys and much more.

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Stream based full-text search for Node.js and browser using levelup.

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MongoDB-like database backed by LevelDB.

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Simple ORM built on levelup.

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levelup implementation of LivelyDb for doing real-time data binding of a database with local javascript objects.

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REST wrapper for levelup.

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REST wrapper for levelup, as an extension to level-orm.

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REST wrapper for levelup. NB. Not compatible with latest levelup.

Shared Access

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Share a levelup instance across multiple processes or over the network. An alternative to multilevel, implemented as abstract-leveldown stores with seamless retry support.

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Open a LevelDB (leveldown) handle multiple times, transparently upgrading to multileveldown when more than 1 process try to use the same LevelDB data directory at once and re-electing a new master when the primary unix socket (or named pipe) goes down.

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Wrap a levelup instance for cluster usage among multiple processes.

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Share a levelup instance over the network.

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Expose a levelup instance via HTTP.

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Client and server using multileveldown, range-emitter and ltgt.

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Describe the functions that multilevel should provide access to on the client.

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Given a key, get all values from a cluster of multilevel servers.

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Connect to a level-party and level-sublevel enabled LevelDB over HTTP.

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A sandbox for hosting multilevel enabled databases.

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A network service that allows you to connect to a Riak database over HTTP.

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LevelDB server and client with optional client-side REPL. Built with subleveldown and multileveldown.

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PubSub with server and client on top of levelup.

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Expose a level-sublevel database over HTTP, searchable with query strings.

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Another solution to expose levelup over HTTP.

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Fast RPC mechanism for levelup. Intended as binary-compatible alternative to multilevel.


Node.js stream or pull-stream implementations for reading and writing data from/to levelup.

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General-case, streams3 writable stream for levelup.

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Streams2 writable stream for levelup.

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Streams2 writable stream for levelup.

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Streams1 writable stream for levelup or abstract-leveldown.

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pull-stream interface to levelup with read streams, write streams and realtime (tail/live) reads.

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Like db.createReadStream() except it's live / tailable. i.e. instead of ending, it will stay open and stream changes to the database as they are inserted.

Last commit Contributors

Simple, light and correct live read stream implementation. NB. Uses an undefined streams version.

Last commit Contributors

A live query of a range in levelup. Similar to level-live-stream but with a streams2 interface.

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Find all K/V-pairs prefixed by a certain key. Streams1.

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A stream "cursor" to iterate through a ReadStream / KeyStream / ValueStream.

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A streams2 read stream filtered and ordered by glob patterns. Keys in the database should be unix-like paths.


Modules that operate on abstract-leveldown iterators.

Last commit Contributors

Concatenate items from an iterator into an array.

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Turn an abstract-leveldown iterator into a readable stream. Included in levelup.

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Add an iterator() method to levelup with Symbol.asyncIterator. NB. Conflicts with iterator() added in levelup@3.1.0.

Last commit Contributors

Decoding iterator for levelup instances. Wraps iterators like level-iterator-stream does. NB. Not compatible with levelup >= 2 due to encodings having moved out to encoding-down. PR welcome.


Low-level utilities for hooking into a levelup instance.

Last commit Contributors

Get an event everytime something is written / read / deleted using levelup.

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Simple levelup hooks.

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Consistent post hooks for levelup.

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Get notified when a condition is triggered inside a levelup instance.

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Implements a hook mechanism that allows you to intercept put, delete and batch operations. You can then turn those operations into batches. Useful if you want to turn a put into an atomic batch for say an automatic map operation.

NB. Author recommends using level-sublevel instead of level-hooks directly. Note that level-sublevel is not maintained.

Range Options

Utilities for working with range options, known as ltgt(e), common to levelup streams and abstract-leveldown iterators.

Last commit Contributors

Tool belt to find lower or upper bounds, compare and filter keys and more.

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Wrap ltgt options with functions. Expose range options without leaking information about your internal key representations.

Last commit Contributors

Convert an interval string to an ltgt object. This is the counterpart to ltgt-to-interval.

Last commit Contributors

Convert an ltgt object to an interval string. This is the counterpart to interval-to-ltgt.

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Range emitter. Publish keys and subscribe to ranges.

Data Structures

Modules that utilize a specific key/value scheme to provide a higher-level data structure.

Last commit Contributors

Merkle DAG on top of LevelDB

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Implementation of the modified merkle patricia tree as specified in Ethereum's yellow paper.

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The array datatype inside levelup.

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Add a set method to levelup for saving objects in a tree-like structure.

Last commit Contributors

Add a push method to levelup for saving objects using level-set with auto-generated UUID.

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Store and retrieve versioned data in levelup.

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The queue datatype inside levelup.

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Priority queuing for levelup.

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A queue backed by levelup, durable and FIFO.

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The TRIE data structure and search algorithm, on top of levelup.

Last commit Contributors

Store key values pairs with lat/lon coordinates, and query using a radius.

Last commit Contributors

Turn levelup into one huge object of arbitrary size! Efficiently and atomically update and read parts of it.

Last commit Contributors

Store and retrieve places near a lat/long pair.

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Stream in nearby places using the browser's geolocation and level-places.

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Geospatial indexing for GeoJSON in levelup

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Map lists of data stored in levelup to DOM elements.

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Reactive templating for data stored in levelup.

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Streaming pagination for levelup.

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Calculate rolling averages in levelup.

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Calculate sums in levelup and get live updates.

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Keep a history of all the changes of a JSON document.

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levelup immutable history and database snapshotting based on ideas in datomic.

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A higher-level module for creating content models using levelup and JSON Schema validation.

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Persist streams in levelup.

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An alternative approach to storing scuttlebutts in levelup.

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Turns a template string (like ${forumId}/${postId}) into parse/serialize streams that transform objects like {forumId, postId, text} into key-value pairs and back.

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Auto incrementing keys with "fields" and "records".

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Forking graph of cascading namespaces.

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A geospatial index for levelup.

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Indexed geography storage in levelup.

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Persistent user accounts.

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A wrapper around accountdown that provides a few additional features


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LRU cache implemented as an abstract-leveldown layer.

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Add a ttl (time-to-live) option to levelup. NB. Suffers from race issues. See also tiny-level-ttl.

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Add a ttl (time-to-live) option to levelup, level-sublevel or level-spaces. Also respects level-lock.

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An in-memory cache that keeps up to date with its source.

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Simple LRU cache.

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A pass-through cache for arbitrary objects or binary data using LevelDB, expired by a TTL.

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A caching module you can place in front of a levelup database. It will cache a subset of the database in an in-memory LRU cache based on configuration. It has an optional synchronous API which will return from the cache only.

Last commit Contributors

Use levelup to cache remote data.


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In-memory advisory read/write locks for levelup keys.

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Mutex read/write lock for levelup.

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Update keys without overlapping changes - makes it possible to implement an atomic incrementer, JSON merger, etc.

Last commit Contributors

Adds atomic updates, increments, array pushes, set additions and user-defined atomic operations to levelup.

Last commit Contributors

Add (parallel) atomic operations like insert, replace, increment and decrement to levelup.

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Transaction layer for levelup.


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A durable job scheduler.

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Job Queue in levelup.

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levelup and disk storage for queued batch jobs.

File System

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Full implementation of the Node.js fs module on top of levelup.

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level-filesystem as drop-in fs replacement for the browser, to be used with browserify.

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Node's fs module with levelup as backend.

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level-fs as drop-in fs replacement for the browser, to be used with browserify.

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A streaming storage engine based on levelup.

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Streaming static file server based on levelup.

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Expose a level-store over HTTP.

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Vinyl adapter and blob store. Saves file contents in a content addressable blob store, file metadata in levelup.

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Store blobs in levelup

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An abstract-blob-store using LevelDB as the storage backend

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A pull-blob-store implementation backed by LevelDB.

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Standalone LevelDB file server based on level-serve, multilevel and level-sublevel.


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Encode keys, values and ltgte options. Used in encoding-down.

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Error types for levelup.

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Easily run your level-* tests against all stores.

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Compose a database factory from abstract-leveldown and levelup layers.

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Check if a datum exists without reading its value.

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Move a value to another key.

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Capped collections.

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Insert a key if and only if it doesn't already exist

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Insert a batch of keys if and only if none of the keys already exist

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Modify an existing key in levelup. Uses level-lock. See also level-create and level-move.

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Read values of random levelup keys.

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Share batches and commit collectively

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Batch all operations made on a levelup instance. Compatible with subleveldown.

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Test function for levelup testing, based on level-test.

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Get the first record in a range, using an iterator or stream. NB. Not compatible with latest levelup.

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Automatically combine levelup with the right abstract-leveldown store for your configuration.

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Lazily open a leveldown compatible backend.

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Generate diff changesets for javascript objects, decomposing diffs into a series of puts and delete operations. The format is compatible with levelup batch operations. Useful to synchronize objects.

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Change the defaults settings on a levelup instance by returning a new levelup instance that uses the same abstract-leveldown but different options.

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Useful meta information about levelup methods.


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A two-phase commit protocol.

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Replicate from CouchDB to LevelDB.

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Master-Slave replication for levelup.

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Uses merkle-trees to replicate data sets. Data must be sets and currently, deletes are not supported.

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Master-master replication with levelup. Implements scuttlebutt style handshake, syncs data, then replicates real time changes.

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Master-master replication. Same goal as level-replicate but different approach.


CLI, GUI and web interfaces for exploring data.

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A complete REPL & CLI for managing LevelDB instances

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A simple command-line utility for writing data to LevelDB via levelup.

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A simple command-line utility for reading LevelDB data via levelup.

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Command-line tool for quickly printing a list of keys in a LevelDB database.

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A CLI REPL interface for LevelDB.

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Super simple REPL for LevelDB. Supports filter globbing.

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LevelDB GUI with an interactive console.

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A LevelDB GUI. Includes simple data visualization tools.

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Interact with LevelDB on the command line.

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A terminal program to visualize LevelDB data. Early stages.

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CLI tool to repair a LevelDB.

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Edit a LevelDB from the command line.

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LevelDB command line scanning utility

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A LevelDB GUI based on atom-shell (now called Electron).

Benchmarking & Debugging

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Benchmark abstract-leveldown and levelup stores.

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Run benchmarks on different level-forks and see how they compare.

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Log all levelup operations, including method calls.

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Log all operations made on an abstract-leveldown compliant store. For node and browsers.

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Log levelup operations and their duration.

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Dumps all values and/or keys of a levelup or level-sublevel instance to the console.

Last commit Contributors

Run benchmarks against levelup-compatible engines


Website for Level

General discussion, cross-repo efforts and common information for projects in the community

Demo app loading LevelDB into an Electron context.

Demonstrates bundling level for browsers using browserify.

Demonstrates bundling level for browsers using webpack.

An open list of awesome Level libraries and resources.

Level Me Up Scotty! An intro to Node.js databases via a set of self-guided workshops.


Applications and libraries that use Level modules under the hood.

A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open.

Track project hours

A copy-on-write FUSE implementation

CLI to manipulate Chrome and Chromium's localStorage on disk.

Encrypt messages based on GitHub SSH public keys

Design musical algorithms

A todo list using LevelDB.

Aggregate crash reports for Electron apps

Blazing fast tile based geocoder that matches cross street (road intersections) entirely sourced by OSM QA Tiles.

Time tracking library.

An index of npm using levelup.

A connect / express session store backed by LevelDB via levelup.

A hackable publishing platform using LevelDB as main database.

Music player server with a web-based user interface. Uses levelup for the music library database.

Prerender plugin to use level as a cache store.

Spin up a quick server to visualize time series data.

Version feed for trusted application delivery

Watch a folder for audio and video arrivals and convert them to Apple-friendly formats.

Keep track of bleach levels for a hot tub or a pool.

Browserify CDN. Caches browserify bundles in LevelDB.


Modules that are deprecated, archived or superseded. Listed here for the historical record.

A streams1 deleteStream for levelup. Superseded by db.clear().

Delete a range of keys from levelup. Superseded by db.clear().

Bundle for level-js and leveldown. No longer maintained: superseded by level v5.0.0.

Indexes for levelup built on map-reduce. Uses a custom indexing function for each index to parse and record index values for each entry. Archived.

Implements the encoding logic of a levelup-like database. This functionality lives on in level-codec.

Adds bytewise as a native encoding for levelup. This can now be achieved with encoding-down and { keyEncoding: bytewise }.

Adds msgpack as a native encoding for levelup. This can now be achieved with encoding-down and { keyEncoding: msgpack }.

Provides a chainable API for db.batch(). This functionality is now provided by levelup.

levelup + memdown. Superseded by level-mem.

Use abstract-leveldown iterators instead of readable streams to traverse the database. Iterators are exposed by levelup since levelup@3.1.0.

A levelup interface on top of IndexedDB. Superseded by level-js and level.

Make levelup get(), put() and del() methods accept multiples keys & values. Archived.

Split your db up into multiple namespaces. Deprecated.

levelup with Q promises. levelup has native Promise support now.

Use levelup as a static file server. Abandoned.

A simple namespacing solution for levelup. Deprecated.

Store objects in levelup. Author recommends level-pathwise instead.

Persist and query scuttlebutt documents (requires level-sublevel). Abandoned.

Sync graph-style data real-time between browsers and servers. Discontinued.

levelup wrappers for co. Instead use native ES6 features.

Framework-agnostic, LevelDB-backed web server session manager. Archived.

Backend server that exposes levelup over authenticated cross domain websockets.

Client side library for authenticating with and moving data over level-socket.

Manipulate string ranges for db.createReadStream(). Abandoned.

Generate string ranges that group into ranges, suitable for use as database keys. Abandoned.

Extend levelup to error if you write outside of a specified range of keys. Stalled work in progress.

Biniomial replication for levelup. Abandoned.

levelup with bytewise key encoding and bytewise-friendly sublevels.

Get the first or last record in a range. Abandoned.

Defunct fork of level-party.

Same as level but with prebuilt binaries. This is now provided by level too.

levelup with Promises. This is now provided by levelup out of the box.

Index and search every property in levelup containing object values. Abandoned.

Range search with a query planner. Development stalled.

Defunct fork of leveldown to add Android support. Merged into leveldown.

Defunct fork of leveldown to add prebuilt binaries. Now provided by leveldown.

Another indexing module. Adapted from map-reduce. Author recommends other solutions.

In memory view on top of levelup. Abandoned.

HTTP request handlers for building web services on top of LevelDB. Not in active development.


Module and resource authors are welcome and encouraged to add an entry for their work via a pull request. To add a module, edit modules/*.json and run npm run awesome to update README.md.

Level/awesome is an OPEN Open Source Project. This means that:

Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is more like an open wiki than a standard guarded open source project.

See the Contribution Guide for more details.
