Take over by pax!!
Local_manifests.xml does not work, so i've taken this over & tweaked it out, I know it's not the best method, but it's what i've resorted to :D repo init -u git://github.com/paxchristos/android_manifest.git -b mod-4.0.4 Pax
To get started with Codename Android, you'll need to get familiar with Git and Repo.
First you need to generate an sshkey
At a terminal window type
then hit enter through the prompts...
browse to ~/.ssh by running:
cd ~/.ssh
and copy your sshkey with:
cat id_rsa.pub
copy what is shown to your clipboard
Go to our Gerrit Review Site
Upper right hand corner hit 'register' Select with google/yahoo account and signin Select a Name Select a username <!write this down!> a.k.a <gerrit.username> Paste the ssh key you got from the last step of 'Generate a sshkey' Your Done!!
Read Setting-Up-Linux For Linux Users or Setting-Up-Mac For Mac Users and if you need any more help check out Initializing a Build Environment for the official instructions.
You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.
To create them run:
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/android/system
Enter the following to download make executable the "repo" binary:
curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
You may need to reboot for these changes to take effect.
Now enter the following to initialize the repository:
cd ~/android/system/
Before you continue --> run this in the terminal
git config --global review.review.codenameandroid.com.username <gerrit username>
repo init -u git://github.com/CNA/android_manifest.git -b mod-4.0.4
repo sync
The basic sequence of build commands is as follows: Initialize Initialize the environment with the envsetup.sh script. Note that replacing "source" with a single dot saves a few characters, and the short form is more commonly used in documentation.
. build/envsetup.sh
Once you type in the lunch command you will be presented with a list of options to choose to build from. the “stock” builds are what you want to choose if you chose to download the stock branch and “mod” is what you want to choose if you chose to download the “modified” branch
crepso = Nexus S
crespo4g = Nexus S 4G
maguro = Galaxy Nexus (GSM)
toro = Galaxy Nexus (CDMA)
stingray = Xoom 4G
wingray = Xoom WiFi
Enter the number of the build you want to start and press enter
Build the Code:
mka squish CNA_RELEASE=true
Patches are always welcome! Please submit your patches via Codename Android Gerrit! You can do this by using these commands:
(From root android directory)
. build/envsetup.sh
(Go to the repo you are patching, make your changes and commit) and use
git push ssh://(gerrit username)@cdn-gerrit.goo-inside.me:29418/(repo name) HEAD:refs/for/(branch name)
to upload your patches
Make your changes and commit with a detailed message, starting with what you are working with (i.e. vision: Update Kernel) Commit your patches in a single commit. Squash multiple commit using this command: git rebase -i HEAD~<# of commits>
To view the status of your and others' patches, visit Codename Android Code Review
If you have any issues please contact blueharford through rootzwiki.com PM or Codenamedroid and #codenameandroid irc on freenode