
animate a particlized image in vanilla JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


particlized image animation in vanilla JavaScript


CodePen: https://codepen.io/paxtonfitzpatrick/pen/GRoMQgb

My personal website: paxtonfitzpatrick.me


  1. Create an HTML element where you want your particle animation to appear, and supply it with two attributes:

    • id: a unique ID the script will use to identify the div. The default is particle-image, but you can change this by editing the last line of particle-image.js.
    • data-params-src: the location of your params.json file. This can be either a local path or an external URL.
    <div id="particle-image" data-params-src="assets/js/params.json"></div>
  2. Reference the script under your <head> tag with the defer attribute.


    • Because particle-image.js queries the DOM, it should not be loaded with async, or your #particle-image element may not exist at runtime.
    • Currently, the size difference the minified and non-minified scripts is de minimis (16KB vs 11KB).
    <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/particle-image.min.js" defer></script>
  3. Add the following CSS. Notes:

    • make sure to update the selector if you changed the reference element's id
    • If the reference element is a child of another element, you may need to add position: relative; to the parent's CSS.
    #particle-image {
      background-color: #000;  // controls the background color of the display
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      bottom: 0;
      left: 0;
      right: 0;
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
  4. Adjust the parameters in params.json as you see fit. See the options table below for reference (and play with the parameters on CodePen!)


Field Value type Description
particles.density number density of the particles comprising the image
particles.color HEX (string) color of the particles comprising the image
particles.size.value number size of each particle (expressed as its radius)
particles.size.random boolean if true, particles are randomly drawn with radii between 50% and 100% of particles.size.value
particles.movement.speed number movement speed of the particles. Particles are randomly assigned initial x- and y-velocities between -0.5 and 0.5 times this value.
particles.movement.restless.enabled boolean if true, particles will randomly "jitter" when undisturbed after reaching their destination
particles.movement.restless.value number maximum distance (in pixels) restless particles will move from their assigned location
particles.interactivity.on_hover.enabled boolean if true, particles will respond to mouse hovering with the given action
particles.interactivity.on_hover.action string: {"repulse", "big_repulse", "grab"} the particles' reaction in response to mouse hovering
particles.interactivity.on_click.enabled boolean if true, particles will respond to mouse presses with the given action
particles.interactivity.on_click.action string: {"repulse", "big_repulse", "grab"} the particles' reaction in response to mouse presses
particles.interactivity.on_touch.enabled boolean if true, particles will respond to screen touches (on mobile) with the given action
particles.interactivity.on_touch.action string: {"repulse", "big_repulse", "grab"} the particles' reaction in response to screen touches
image.src.path string path or URL to the image to be "particlized" (may be local or external)
image.src.is_external boolean set to true when loading an external image to set the image object's crossorigin attribute to "anonymous"
image.size.canvas_pct number percentage of the smallest canvas dimension (height or width) that the image will fill
image.size.max_px number maximum size of the image (overrides canvas_pct for very large canvases), in pixels
image.size.min_px number minimum size of the image (overrides canvas_pct for very small canvases), in pixels
interactions.repulse.distance number maximum distance for the repulsion interaction
interactions.repulse.strength number "force" of the repulsion interaction
interactions.big_repulse.distance number maximum distance for the "big repulsion" interaction
interactions.big_repulse.strength number "force" of the "big repulsion" interaction
interactions.grab.distance number maximum distance for the "grab" interaction
interactions.grab.line_width number with of lines formed by the "grab" interaction. Constrained to be at most the particle's diameter
disabled boolean if true, don't create the particle animation. Useful when debugging locally


This work was heavily inspired by Vincent Garreau's particles.js and Louis Hoebregt's Text to particles