
Project Description:

The goal of this project is to create an app using Android Studio and Firebase, which will be used for making new connections, making friends, casual dating, and project collaboration. It will be a blend of Facebook and Tinder. This will help IITB students, especially introverts. The duration of this project is around 8 weeks. The process includes learning and implementing simultaneously. Ideally, the app would end up boosting social interaction once the college reopens.

Mentors: Payal Choudhary | Rahul Puli


Himanshu Choudhary
Ved Khandekar
Vinay Kumar
Aniket D. Giri
Annam Saivardhan
Yash Singh
Sagnik Chakraborty
Sabhya Sanchi

Week 1 & 2 (28th March-7th April)

Please find the Git cheatsheet and resources on making your first App in the Week1 Folder


1.) Fork and clone this repository 2.) Check out a new branch 3.) Update your name in the Mentee List 4.) Add, Commit with a suitable message and then push your changes! 5.) Make a Pull Request 6.) Brownie Points if you can update the Project Description too.!

Task 2:

Make 2 Basic Apps! One is Calculator and the second app can be a basic app of your choice. (Eg: Timetable App/Note Keeper/Daily Reminder). The resources for the Calculator have already been given! For the second App, you are free to use resources from youtube, udemy, or Coursera! You can ask your mentors for resources if you aren't able to find them.
Make a sub-Folder in the Week1 Folder with your name and app (Eg: 20xxxxxx_AppName). Repeat steps 4.) to 5.) of Task 1.

Week 3 & 4 (8th April-Post Midsems)


Setting up the main repo: Use Import from Version Control to clone the repo: Learn how to use Git with Android Studio. This Tutorial should help you.
Kindly Clone the repo: IITinder and set up the project. Make sure your Gradle files are synced well and the configuration is correct.

Task 2:

You are going to be split into a team of 2 people each. Hence four teams in total. You will be assigned different screens and you will be working on them together.

Screen                                      Mentees
Splash Screen+Contact Page+App Icon Sabyasachi+Vinay Login Page Aniket+SaiVardhan Registration Ved+Yash Interest Picker Himanshu+Sagnik

You are to work on these activities together as a team.
You need to complete a basic wireframe and/or the XML Part of the activity assigned to your team as a part of Task 2

Task 3:

Complete the Java Code of the activity you have been assigned to. If you need any sort of resources other than the ones provided below, feel free to reach out to us. Also learn to google. Make test apps and if they work implement the same code in the main app. Remember, as a beginner, it might seem overwhelming but once you build it, the satisfaction yo get is uncomparable!!!
Firebase: Note: This is Mandatory for all of you. Make Test apps and Send the Apk to your mentors. This should be done as a test app and not in the main repo. Firebase Tutorial
Splash Screen:Tutorial1 Tutorial2 Tutorial3
Login Screen:Tutorial1 Tutorial2
Registration: The Firebase Tutorial should suffice. Another Tutorial
Interest: This is a challenging activity and isn't a part of any standard app. I need you guys to come up with a design and algorithm. Involves a lot of creativity, innovation, and of course google!! There are no standard resources for this, Everything depends on how you envision it!

Deadlines and Some Instructions:

Developer of the Week: Himanshu
Design Co-ordinator: Sabhyasachi

Tasks 1 and 2 have to be completed before your midterms and you are allowed to continue Task 3 after your midterms. We will have a short meet in which I will let you know everything. We have our first checkpoint on 11th April and hence we need to gear up accordingly!

Week 5 & 6: 14th MAy-28th May

Integration of Everything done till now and Discussion on further aspects

To be done by all team members collectively

Week 7 & Week 8: 29th May-10th June

There are four problem statements for this phase: Each Team ( two members) will be assigned a problem statement. These activities have to be designed from scratch and need creative minds along with good grasp of App Development Skills!

Problem Statement 1: MyProfile : Mentees: Himanshu & Yash

In the MyProfile Fragment, A user should have the basic details including the major and minor interests, any particular groups the user has signed into, any posts which the user wants to showcase in his profile. The MyProfile fragment must be the most attractive and creative part of the Application.
Your task: Check out some of the most amazing already existing Profile Pages. Think about what modifications are required and design a basic profile page. Finally, you should be able to plugin the functionalities!

Problem Statement 2: Match Making Algorithms : Mentees: Ved & Sagnik

Match-Making Algorithms are the most exciting part of this IITinder. You need to come up with a unique and creative algorithm that is not only memory and time proficient but is also socially applicable. You need to approach this from a user point of view and then think about the ways in which we can optimize this. This mainly involves working on Backend!
Your Task: Think and read about some match-making algorithms! I am open to any kind of complex statistical models as long as they are optimized enough! Once this is done, you got to make dummy data and start implementing these algorithms. Feel free to discuss with the mentors what tech stack you are comfortable with!

Problem Statement 3: The Chatting Tab : Mentees: Sai and Sabhya

This is basically the chatting activity that you find practically in any social-media App!
Task: Check out the encryption techniques and implement the activity.

Problem Statement 4: Break the Ice : Mentees: Vinay and Aniket

Break the Ice is one of the unique features of our app! So basically, after matching, there might be an awkwardness between people! We need to help people break the ice and start the conversation!
Task: Think of some algorithms or features via which we can implement this! Look at OkCupid's Algorithm and think of how we can tweak it to use it to break the ice! Once you are done with that! Implement the same!

Deadlines and Some Instructions:

The Plan and research work to be completed in Week7 itself, Implementation to be done in Week 8
Developer of the Week: Ved
Design/Idea Validation Co-ordinator: Yash