#Note- Projects are in separate file named "Projects"
Module 1: Introduction to Linux ........
1.1 Fundamentals of Linux (Linux Lab Creation,Linux Architecture,Boot Process,Run Levels,Login)
1.2 Comman Commands (man,set,export,cd,cat,tac,tail,less,more,cp,mv,pwd,ls,touch,mkdir,rm,rmdir,whoami,cal,date,useradd,userdel,groupadd,chmod,sudo,chmod,type,gzip,history)
1.3 Editor-Vi/Vim/Nano/Emac (Any one or two)
1.4 Environment Variables
1.5 Project-01 -
Module 2: Linux Directory & File...........
2.1 Linux Directories (Directory Structure,Creation & Deletion of Dir. ,Path-Absolute & Relative,Directory Permissions)
2.2 Linux Files (File System,FHS,Creation and Deletion of Files, File Permissions,Input/Output/Error Redirection,File Links- Inodes,Softlinks,Hardlinks)
2.3 Users & Groups ( User Management ,Group Management ,Permissions,Shell,Passwd,Root User)
2.4 Linux Processes ( Kill,start,stop,status,ps,top,logs of services)
2.5 Project-02 -
Module 3: Linux Text Processing...........
3.1 Linux Filters & Pipes ( cat,cut,tr,tee,sed,grep,wc,awk)
3.2 Basic Shell Scripting ( Variables,operators,if-else,loop,arrays,quoting,functions)
3.3 Linux Regex ( awk,grep,sed)
3.4 Cron Jobs
3.5 Project-03 -
Module 4: Linux Networking................
4.1 Basic Networking Commands ( ping,ifconfig,traceroute,dig,netstat,host,hostname,curl,wget)
4.2 System Performnace ( ps,top,uptime,traps and signals)
4.3 Communication ( FTP ,Telnet, webserver, application server configurations )
4.4 SSH(for Remote Connection) & SCP(Copying remote files)
4.5 Project-04 -
Module 5: Projects..........................
5.1 Project-05
5.2 Project-06
5.3 Prject-07
5.4 Project-08
5.5 Project-09