
A full-stack MERN Pokefight app and built with ReactJS, MongoDB, Node.Js, Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Pokefight is the MERN (MongoDB, Express JS, React JS and Node JS) Project as an opportunity to practice and learn more about:

  • Building a Single Page Application with React

  • Implementing static and dynamic React routing

  • Fetching, displaying and updating data from the API

  • Building a RESTful API using Node, Express, MongoDB

  • Using ReactHooks (useState, useEffect, useNavigate)

  • Implementing search bar and pagination

  • Displaying the score with Leaderboard

  • functionality to display the number of the active players

    ➡ Check out Pokefight

Tech Stack

Client: React, CSS

Server: Node.js, Express, MongoDB

Deployed with: Netlify (client), Render (server)


The user can:

  • Enter name to play
  • Search for Pokemon by name or select the Pokemon
  • As an offend random pokemon will be displayed from the database
  • If the user wins the fight, the user can play again
  • If the user lost the game, the user will be redirected to the homepage
