
PHP Extension for Pusher, cutting my teeth with PHP extensions

Primary LanguageC

Pusher API Extension

Right now, this extension is only designed for Linux systems.  
Perhaps in the future, I'll look at building it on a Win box.

To install it, you must have the PHP source for your version.  Then run the following commands.

$ cd /path/to/php-5.4.0/ext
$ git clone git://github.com/payden/pusher.git
$ cd pusher
$ phpize && ./configure && make
$ sudo make install

Provided there isn't a problem building, this will put pusher.so in your extensions directory.
This is usually in /usr/local/lib/php/extensions somewhere.

You may or may not need to ensure you're 'extension_dir' directive in php.ini points to the correct path.

Then all you have to do is add a 'extension=pusher.so' line to your php.ini and restart php.

Now, to use the class the extension implements.

$pusher = new Pusher('api_key_from_pusher', 'api_secret_from_pusher', app_id_from_pusher);

For example:

$obj = new StdClass();
$obj->name = "Payden Sutherland";
$obj->email = "payden@paydensutherland.com";
$pusher = new Pusher('59e7d83ee9fb65bfe028', 'mysecretkey', 16648);
$pusher->trigger('test_channel','weeeee', json_encode($obj));