Pusher API Extension Right now, this extension is only designed for Linux systems. Perhaps in the future, I'll look at building it on a Win box. To install it, you must have the PHP source for your version. Then run the following commands. $ cd /path/to/php-5.4.0/ext $ git clone git://github.com/payden/pusher.git $ cd pusher $ phpize && ./configure && make $ sudo make install Provided there isn't a problem building, this will put pusher.so in your extensions directory. This is usually in /usr/local/lib/php/extensions somewhere. You may or may not need to ensure you're 'extension_dir' directive in php.ini points to the correct path. Then all you have to do is add a 'extension=pusher.so' line to your php.ini and restart php. Now, to use the class the extension implements. $pusher = new Pusher('api_key_from_pusher', 'api_secret_from_pusher', app_id_from_pusher); $pusher->trigger('channel','event','json_encoded_string'); For example: $obj = new StdClass(); $obj->name = "Payden Sutherland"; $obj->email = "payden@paydensutherland.com"; $pusher = new Pusher('59e7d83ee9fb65bfe028', 'mysecretkey', 16648); $pusher->trigger('test_channel','weeeee', json_encode($obj));