
Everything you need to know about descriptors

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Everything you need to know about the descriptor property in Paylike


npm install --save @paylike/descriptor


var descriptor = require('@paylike/descriptor');

descriptor.isValid('paylike.io'); // true
descriptor.isValid('£'); // false

var descriptor = require('@paylike/descriptor');

var $input = document.querySelector('input.descriptor');

$input.pattern = descriptor.regex.source;
$input.maxLength = descriptor.maxLength;

What is it?

The descriptor is shown on a credit card bill, a bank statement or in an online banking account as the text accompanying the charged amount. Learn more about the descriptor on our website.

How is it validated?

  • It can only have a length of 22 or less

  • It can only contain ASCII printable characters

     ! # $ % &
     ( ) * + ,
     - . / : ;
     < = > ? @
     [ ] ^ _ `
     { | } ~

Where is it used in Paylike?

A descriptor is set in the following places:

  1. On your merchant account
  2. On a transaction for the reservation
  3. On each capture of a transaction
  4. On each refund of a transaction

The descriptor on the account (1) acts as a default if you do not supply a descriptor for the transaction (2).

If you omit the descriptor for a capture (3) or refund (4) it will default to that on the transaction (2).

As such, only the merchant account's descriptor is mandatory.