

PAYMO.Identifier is an android plugin to make an easy integration with PAYMO.ID identification system.

Table of contents


Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency in your app build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.paymouz:paymoid-plugin-android:1.0.0-alpha02'

How to use the library?



First get the instance of PaymoIdentifier in your activity or fragment.
For AppCompactActivity call inside onCreate:

lateinit var paymoIdentifier: PaymoIdentifier
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    paymoIdentifier = PaymoIdentifier.getInstance(this)

For call inside onCreateView

lateinit var paymoIdentifier: PaymoIdentifier
override fun onCreateView(...): View? {
    paymoIdentifier = PaymoIdentifier.getInstance(this)

Callback listener

You can implement IdentificationListener and define it in PaymoIdentifier or do it explicitly:

paymoIdentifier.identificationListener = object : IdentificationListener {
    override fun onIdentificationComplete(identificationResult: IdentificationData) {
        //Callback for completed identification process from PAYMO.ID

    override fun onIdentificationCancel() {
        //Callback for explicitly canceled identification process from PAYMO.ID
        //(Ex. User closed PAYMO.ID without making some identification steps)

    override fun onIdentificationFailed(throwable: Throwable) {
        //Callback for failed connection with PAYMO.ID
        //Might be called when AgentLogin for AuthKey process fails
        //or error during the [IdentificationData] retrieval process
    override fun onPaymoIDInstallationCancel() {
        //Callback for cancelled install option of PAYMO.ID app
        //Called when user cancels Install option for the required application

Important! For the listener to be called, it is important to override onActivityResult and pass the data to PaymoIdentifier

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
    paymoIdentifier.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) //Pass result data 


Now you can easily use the plugin just with a single line of code, whenever identification process is required according to your needs:

paymoIdentifier.requestIdentification(agentId, apiKey)

Note: agentId and apiKey are provided by PAYMO organization


PaymoIdentifier contains several methods for its convenient usage

Methods Use
setIdentificationListener(IdentificationListener) Initialize listener for callbacks
setRequestCode(Int) Sets custom request code used for PAYMO.ID in startActivityForResult. Default: 11273
coreAppInstalled() : Boolean Checks whether PAYMO.ID application is installed on the device
hasSoftwareSupport() : Boolean Checks whether device supports PAYMO.ID its by MIN_SDK
hasHardwareNFCSupport(): Boolean Checks whether device supports PAYMO.ID's NFC feature
requestIdentification(agentId,apiKey) Starts identification process in PAYMO.ID
onActivityResult(Int,Int,Intent) Process result data from PAYMO.ID
base64ToBitmap(String): Bitmap Returns image bitmap from encoded base64 photo in UserData
base64ToByteArray(String): byte[] Returns image byte array from encoded base64 photo in UserData

Result IdentificationData

IdentificationData result passed in onIdentificationComplete callback. The data contains two major feilds:

Field Description
success : Boolean Status of passport identification process
id: Long Unique ID of identification process
agentId : Int Agent ID used for identification process
authKey: String Auth key defining Agent for identification
ipAddress: String IP address of device (empty if success is false)
userAgent: String Device user agent during identification (empty if success is false)
deviceInfo: String Device information (empty if success is false)
userPassport : UserPassport (nullable) User passport data from identification process of PAYMO.ID. (null if success is false)


Available data fields from successful identification process

Field Description
passportNumber: String User passport number
pin: String Passport's person identification number
firstName: String First name in passport
lastName: String Last name in passport
dateOfBirth: String Date of birth in passport
dateOfIssue: String Date of issue in passport
dateOfExpiry: String Date of expiry in passport
gender: String Gender in passport
nationality: String Nationality in passport
photoBase64: String Person's photo from successful identification process
documentType: String Document type (for passport 'P')
issuerCentre: String Issuer centre where passport is given