
Pay.nl driver for the Omnipay payment processing library

Primary LanguagePHP

PAY. Omnipay driver


PAY. driver for the Omnipay payment processing library

Available payment methods

Bank Payments Creditcards Gift cards & Vouchers Pay by invoice Others
iDEAL + QR Visa VVV Cadeaukaart AfterPay PayPal
Bancontact + QR Mastercard Webshop Giftcard Achteraf betalen via Billink WeChatPay
Giropay American Express FashionCheque Focum AchterafBetalen.nl AmazonPay
MyBank Carte Bancaire Podium Cadeaukaart Capayable Achteraf Betalen Cashly
SOFORT PostePay Gezondheidsbon in3 keer betalen, 0% rente Pay Fixed Price (phone)
Maestro Dankort Fashion Giftcard Klarna Instore Payments (POS)
Bank Transfer Cartasi GivaCard SprayPay Przelewy24
Tikkie De Cadeaukaart YourGift Creditclick Apple Pay
Multibanco Paysafecard Payconiq
Huis en Tuin Cadeau


PHP 5.6 or higher



In command line, navigate to the installation directory of Omnipay

Enter the following command:

composer require league/omnipay:^3 paynl/omnipay-paynl

The plugin is now installed

  1. Create a new php file
  2. Use the following code:
# require autoloader
use Omnipay\Omnipay;
# Setup payment gateway
$gateway = Omnipay::create('Paynl');
  1. Enter the TokenCode, API token and serviceID (these can be found in the PAY. Admin Panel --> https://admin.pay.nl/programs/programs
  2. Save the file
  3. Require the file where you wish to use the plugin.

Go to the Manage / Services tab in the PAY. Admin Panel to enable extra payment methods.

Update instructions

In command line, navigate to the installation directory of Omnipay

Enter the following command:

composer update league/omnipay:^3 paynl/omnipay-paynl

The plugin has now been updated


PAY. items

# Use PAY. Item class
use Omnipay\Paynl\Common\Item;

# Add items to transaction
$arrItems = array();
$item = new Item();
        ->setName('PAY. article')
$arrItems[] = $item;

$item = new Item();
        ->setName('PAY. shipping')
$arrItems[] = $item;

$item = new Item();
        ->setName('PAY. promotion')
$arrItems[] = $item;

Start a transaction

# Send purchase request
$response = $gateway->purchase(
        'amount' => '46.00',
        'currency' => 'EUR',
        'transactionReference' => 'referenceID1',
        'clientIp' => '',
        'returnUrl' => 'http://www.yourdomain.com/return_from_pay.php',
        'items' => $arrItems,
        'card' => array(
            'firstName' => 'Example',
            'lastName' => 'User',
            'gender' => 'M',
            'birthday' => '01-02-1992',
            'phone' => '1111111111111111',
            'email' => 'john@example.com',
            'country' => 'NL',

            'shippingAddress1' => 'Shippingstreet 1B',
            'shippingAddress2' => '',
            'shippingCity' => 'Shipingtown',
            'shippingPostcode' => '1234AB',
            'shippingState' => '',
            'country' => 'NL',

            'billingFirstName' => 'Billingexample',
            'billingLastName' => 'Billinguser',
            'billingAddress1' => 'Billingstreet 1B',
            'billingAddress2' => '',
            'billingCity' => 'Billingtown',
            'billingPostcode' => '1234AB',
            'billingState' => '',
            'country' => 'NL'                     
# Process response
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
    # Payment was successful
} elseif ($response->isRedirect()) {
    # Redirect to offsite payment gateway
} else {
    # Payment failed
    echo $response->getMessage();

Refund a transaction

$response = $gateway->refund([
    'transactionReference' => "PAY. transactionId",
    'amount' => '46.00',
    'currency' => 'USD',
    'transactionId' => 765897

if ($response->isSuccessful()) {

    # Refund was successful

} else {

    # Refund failed
    echo $response->getMessage();

Capture a transaction

$response = $gateway->capture([
    'transactionReference' => "PAY. transactionId",
    'items' => $arrItems

if ($response->isSuccessful()) {

    # Capture was successful

} else {

    # Capture failed
    echo $response->getMessage();



Contact us: support@pay.nl