
Question on iframes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

How do u use page yaml for a page containing iframes?

mach6 commented

Create a PageYAML file for the iframe content. Then, in the the test or a extended page object class, call Grid.driver().switchTo().frame( ... ) prior to interacting with the frame.

What I mean by extended page object class is a class file which extends the generated parent page object and contains the logic to switchTo the iframe.

Something like;

  # ParentPage.yml
  # yaml markup for the parent page
 # IframeOfParentPage.yml
 # yaml markup for the iframe
class ParentPageExt extends ParentPage {
   private IframeOfParentPage iframe = new IframeOfParentPage();

   public void doSomethingInTheIframe() {
     //call swtichTo, if the iframe doesn't already have focus
     //do something on the iframe page object.

Hope this helps!

I'm going to close this question but feel free to reply back or ask on gitter if you have further questions on this topic.