- 1
- 1
exception override by softassertion error stack in
#381 opened by kevinx701 - 1
- 1
SeLion - Getting Exception : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncher$GridItemLauncher
#390 opened by AshwinPadmanabhan - 2
Getting exception - cannot create a temp directory while running tests .
#391 opened by AshwinPadmanabhan - 2
#392 opened by namratha-bharadwaj - 4
[SECURITY] Releases are published insecurely
#387 opened by JLLeitschuh - 1
- 2
- 4
- 1
Selion Dependency Issue
#386 opened by BoomaRajan - 4
- 1
Selion report is showing the results twice.
#361 opened by swapnaChapara - 2
Using Grid.driver() we are not able to get FindElementAccessbilityId Issue,please check
#377 opened by mahe12 - 1
- 3
- 1
Provide an option to control the order of locators(elements) to be returned when more than one condition is met while using OR operator in the PageYAML
#314 opened by mvelu - 0
Excel DataProvider - Enhancement request to return value based on the field names
#345 opened by parulselvan - 0
RuntimeReporter - Browser under testing is missing from runtime reporter. (both html and json)
#350 opened by mengchen2 - 9
Update version of TestNG to the latest
#323 opened by ILikeToNguyen - 0
NullPointerException thrown from RuntimeReporter causes test to fail when utilizing TestNG successPercentage and a test doesn't fail because it is within a success percentage
#352 opened by ILikeToNguyen - 1
No support for appium MobileBy locator types. Cannot find mobile elements by accessibility id.
#362 opened by elhuang - 3
Travis CI for Firefox is broken
#353 opened by mach6 - 10
Please help me to disable persistant hover in internet explorer driver.
#312 opened by SridharDayalan1986 - 1
Does SeLion provide cucumber BDD Support?
#364 opened by rajivnw - 5
Query: Parallel & Distributed execution
#363 opened by vikramvi - 4
- 3
- 1
Question on iframes
#351 opened by claytonneal - 0
- 1
- 4
SeLion-Code-Generator generates custom element incorrectly when defined in a Container
#306 opened by nirsch - 2
Update geckodriver for SeLion 1.2?
#337 opened by sebady - 3
- 9
injecting javascript to exercise tap() doesn't work with Appium 1.5 and beyond
#300 opened by brandontineo - 5
- 5
Move develop branch to SeLion 2.0.0 / Selenium 3
#310 opened by mach6 - 1
- 2
- 4
Reporter stopped working
#305 opened by Moustakas42 - 0
Update code-generator documentation
#288 opened by mach6 - 0
Everytime a button or link is clicked, INFO is printed out to console with the browser
#301 opened by ILikeToNguyen - 1
- 2
Gradle Integration
#292 opened by knadendla - 0
SeLion archetype should use test scope
#289 opened by mach6 - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
Move to commons-configuration 2.x
#281 opened by mach6 - 1
New upgraded release to maven
#279 opened by senthillkumar