
Need New Plugin to scan accessibility issues in source code

mpnkhan opened this issue · 4 comments

This is a New idea to create a In-Built plugin to scan source code for Accessibility violations.
Use axe-core open source engine to scan. This is similar to this project .

mach6 commented

@mpnkhan this is outside of the current scope of SeLion. I'm curious though, what prevents someone from adding a dependency (such as one to axe-selenium-java) to their project to accomplish the same? What value would SeLion add here?

Quick question:
Are there any plugins available for Selion? example to test security, performance etc?

mach6 commented

Not that I'm aware of

Thanks Doug for the info.
We have nemo framework for nodejs and nemo accessibility plugin. There are similar accessibility frameworks for some of the famous testing frameworks. So i thought it would be a good idea to have one for SeLion.

Closing this for now.