Couchbase Agent to push messages to Kafka
- mvn clean package assembly:single
- java -jar cbkafka-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- Contains settings for TAP API and Adapter
- cb.cbserver=http://IP:8091/pools - Couchbase server
- cb.streamname=cookiestream - TAP specific settings.
- cb.startdate=1413500947028
- cb.fulldump=true -FULL dump of data from beginning. Doesnt use STREAM name and startdate if fulldump=true
//Used to determine if Transformation required for the message.
- enableTransformation=true - If you would like to do preprocessing of data
//Custom class used for transformation.
- CBMessageConverter=com.paypal.cookie.utils.CBCookieMessageConverterImpl #Custom class for preprocessing
//Paypal -filtering message based on key - Used by preprocessing class
- keyprefixfilter=cs_pp_
- analyticskeyprefixfilter=cs_ca_
- cs_pp_.topicname=cookie.general
//Used to switch on/off monitoring
- monitoringEnabled=true
- sherlockThreshold=200000
- to configure settings specific to Kafka producer
- - #Kafka brokers
- partitioner.class - Topic partition logic.
- request.required.acks- 0, means that the producer never waits for an acknowledgement
- cookie.topic #Topic to publish messages to
- producer.type=async/sync //---settings used if async
- queue.time
- queue.size
- batch.size