Sideloader API samples that enable to integrate PayPal Here into other apps
- 0
- 4
PayPal Here is not returning back to my app
#41 opened by latheesan-k - 0
PayPal Here / Sideloader not using returnURL
#69 opened by hanji866 - 0
- 0
iOS 13 Compatibility
#67 opened by iiummel - 1
android support
#66 opened by glaidler - 3
Windows 10 - SurfaceBook Support..??
#58 opened - 1
See Issue #63
#64 opened by dooms99 - 8
Transaction Cancelled upon pin entry
#65 opened by glennmurley15 - 6
- 11
- 3
- 1
Base64 Encoding
#56 opened by MggMuggins - 2
- 1
3.0.81 (308108) breaks sideloader api
#61 opened by glaidler - 0
#62 opened by massimilianoregis - 9
Code Broke With PayPal Here Version 3.0.2
#54 opened by bfleishman - 3
- 0
Unable to get invoice id, number....
#49 opened by EddieLukeAtmey - 1
didn't find any cancel button to cancel transaction and move back to my ios app
#52 opened by umairqureshi6 - 6
(PLATFORM error 580022.) - Invalid request parameter: Payer Email cannot be blank
#33 opened by glaidler - 1
- 1
PPH remains in the activity stack after payment process. (v2.6.2, didn’t happen before)
#46 opened by kfujino7 - 9
IOS app returning Invoice ID for declined payments
#50 opened by REDDFS - 4
- 0
This transaction could not be completed
#51 opened by RandomArray - 6
- 0
Time field in Sales History returning 12:00 PM
#47 opened by mcn100 - 0
what should we do now???
#44 opened by zackmartin9333 - 0
- 2
- 10
Crash on return to app
#42 opened by quanvh3 - 1
Card reader stops working after first payment
#32 opened by jcorning99 - 2
Put Paypal Here in test mode
#24 opened by cristoslc - 11
Android crash on all paypalhere:// URLs
#39 opened by shankie-codes - 4
return to sender app after timeout period
#15 opened by hshafique - 6
#38 opened by EddieLukeAtmey - 8
Android: Number value constraints question
#34 opened by rdantonio - 2
Call back URL does not work on iOS 9
#36 opened by friedtofu - 6
- 9
- 16
Return the total amount paid
#22 opened by dacology - 12
- 7
Discount is lost when going back to item list
#29 opened by rdantonio - 9
IPN is not consistently passing along the "number" value in its "invoice_number" field
#31 opened by jcorning99 - 4
- 1
auto login to PayPalHere
#23 opened by dacology - 9
- 3
Payment declined not returning type "Unknown"
#18 opened by pcobas - 2
Invoice line item discount
#19 opened by Mek0n