- 0
- 0
How does Junodb active-active replication works?
#178 opened by dceravigupta - 0
cluster configuration
#163 opened by maxb-io - 2
Fix macos-latest docker build on github actions
#167 opened by NeetishPathak - 3
Issue with Docker Build on MACOS
#146 opened by abhishek0909 - 0
Unable to validate junodb installation on Ubuntu 22.04 using docker engine 24.0.6
#162 opened by ambi88dex - 0
[Discussion]: Adding Unit test cases
#160 opened by Nageshbansal - 0
Client libraries?
#158 opened by aadithya96 - 0
Refactors `EtcdReader.readNodesShards` method for More Efficient Zone Initialization and Node Shards Assignment
#153 opened by KhanSufiyanMirza - 0
Prometheus exporter for JunoDB
#156 opened by 26tanishabanik - 1
Kubernetes Deployment
#124 opened by Cliftonz - 1
LUA Client for junodb
#145 opened by sur5an - 2
Upgrade golang version from 1.18 to 1.20
#107 opened by varuntechie - 4
- 5
Facing Issue while building from docker
#135 opened by NK8916 - 0
Consistency level
#134 opened by slowfranklin - 1
- 0
Enahancement - Enable multistore backend like aws s3, minio etc to sync on prem and cloud data
#130 opened by adhithyasrinivasan - 1
How junodb is different from redis any use cases where I can prefer junodb over redis?
#127 opened by FuncGuy - 5
#112 opened by amityahav - 4
Unable to build junoDB using docker
#140 opened by viralnatani - 0
configuring junodb seems to be difficult
#137 opened by FuncGuy - 0
- 3
Question: if rocksdb as storage, ttl data is removed or just marked as deleted
#141 opened by ben1009 - 1
Why is keyrange deletion operation present twice?
#136 opened by uds5501 - 2
Remove commented out codes in the repo
#106 opened by varuntechie - 2
tecbot/gorocksdb Not Uploaded
#125 opened by soiya - 1
Improve unit tests
#114 opened by Yiling-J - 2
Implement Python Client for JunoDB
#117 opened by shivendrasoni - 0
Please tag a release
#122 opened by darix - 5
go.mod should use fully qualified module path
#113 opened by justinfx