
ADAMANT 2FA Web demo on JavaScript

Primary LanguageVue

ADAMANT 2FA Demo application


ADAMANT 2FA is a service to deliver one-time passwords (OTP) to ADAMANT Messenger account.

It is cheaper, more secure and reliable than SMS. ADAMANT 2FA advantages.

Live demo is available at 2fa-demo.adamant.im. For instructions, read Presenting ADAMANT 2FA article.

How to connect

If you own your service and want to add 2FA security for users, connect ADAMANT 2FA. It is perfect for crypto exchanges, webmail services, financial services.

To use ADAMANT 2FA, you have to install ADAMANT Console on your server and use Send message method. 2FA codes are sent from account set in Console’s configuration. Other than that, ADAMANT 2FA implementation is no different from classical approaches of sending one-time codes.

This repository is only a example of ADAMANT 2FA implementation.



Clone repository and install dependencies

$ git clone https://github.com/Adamant-im/adamant-2fa.git
$ cd adamant-2fa && npm i
$ cd client && yarn install
$ cd ../

Create user and database

$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE USER "adamant-2fa" WITH PASSWORD 'password';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE "adamant-2fa" WITH OWNER "adamant-2fa";
$ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf
    local   adamant-2fa  adamant-2fa        md5
$ sudo service postgresql restart

Create tables for Loopback models

$ cd server && node create-lb-tables.js
$ cd ../



$ node .
$ cd client && yarn serve


$ cd client && yarn build
$ npm i -g serve
$ serve dist