
Anonymous and Blockchain-proved betting on crypto rates

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ADAMANT Bet Bot is an incredible anonymous and Blockchain-proved betting software.

Different types of betting:

  • Bet on crypto rate within ± range
  • Bet on maximum or minimum crypto rate during period within ± range (coming soon)
  • Bet on ascending or descending crypto rate during period (coming soon)
  • Bet if crypto will exceed special rate up to date (will McAfee eat his dick?) (coming soon)

Bet bots work in ADAMANT Messenger chats directly. Fully automatic, convenient. All bets are Blockchain-proved.

Read more: (coming soon).



  • Ubuntu 16 / Ubuntu 18 (other OS had not been tested)
  • NodeJS v 8+ (already installed if you have a node on your machine)
  • MongoDB (installation instructions)


su - adamant
git clone https://github.com/Adamant-im/adamant-bet
cd ./adamant-bet
npm i

Pre-launch tuning

nano config.json


  • passPhrase The bot's secret phrase for concluding transactions. Obligatory. Bot's ADAMANT address will correspond this passPhrase.
  • node_ADM <string, array> List of nodes for API work, obligatorily
  • node_ETH <string, array> List of nodes for Ethereum API work, obligatorily
  • node_LSK <string, array> List of nodes for Lisk API work, obligatorily
  • node_DOGE <string, array> List of nodes for Doge API work, obligatorily
  • node_BTC <string, array> List of nodes for Bitcoin API work, obligatorily
  • node_DASH <string, array> List of nodes for Dash API work, obligatorily
  • infoservice <string, array> List of ADAMANT InfoServices for catching exchange rates, obligatorily
  • slack Token for Slack alerts for the bot’s administrator. No alerts if not set.
  • adamant_notify ADM address for the bot’s administrator. Recommended.
  • known_crypto <string, array> List of crytpocurrencies bot can work with. If bot will receive or request for crypto not in list, it will not process payment and notify owner. Obligatorily
  • accepted_crypto <string, array> List of crytpocurrencies you want to accept for bet and pay rewards. If bot will receive payment in not-in-list crypto, it will try to return it. Obligatorily


  • exchange_fee Pecentage you take as fee for bot's service. Default is 10.
  • min_value_usd Minimum payment equivalent in USD accepted. Default is 1.
  • daily_limit_usd Daily exchange limit for one user, equivalent in USD. Default is 1000.
  • min_confirmations How many confirmations to wait before transaction counts accepted. Default is 3.
  • min_confirmations_ADM To override min_confirmations for specific cryptocurrency.
  • welcome_string Hi! 😊 I'm anonymous and Blockchain-proved bet bot. I accept bets on currency rates and pay rewards to winners. ℹ️ Learn more on ADAMANT’s blog or type /help to start betting."


You can start the Bet Bot with the node app command, but it is recommended to use the process manager for this purpose.

pm2 start --name betbot app.js 

Add Exchange Bot to cron:

crontab -e

Add string:

@reboot cd /home/adamant/adamant-bet && pm2 start --name betbot app.js


su - adamant
cd ./adamant-bet
pm2 stop betbot
mv config.json config_bup.json && git pull && mv config_bup.json config.json
npm i
pm2 start --name betbot app.js