
Currencies rates provider

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ADAMANT InfoServices is a crypto and fiat currency rates service provider. It collects rates from MOEX and Coinmarketcap, calculates cross-rates, and provides information via API.



  • Ubuntu 16 / Ubuntu 18 (other OS had not been tested)
  • NodeJS v 8+ (already installed if you have a node on your machine)
  • MongoDB (installation instructions)


su - adamant
git clone https://github.com/Adamant-im/adamant-currencyinfo-services
cd ./adamant-currencyinfo-services
npm i

Pre-launch tuning

nano config.json


  • crypto List of coins to fetch rates from Coincarketcap
  • fiat List of fiat pairs and their codes to fetch from MOEX
  • baseCoins List of coins to calculate all available pairs using crypto and fiat
  • cmcApiKey Coinmarketcap API key. You must get yours at https://coinmarketcap.com/api/.
  • port Port for providing InfoServices Rates API. It will be available at http://IP:port.
  • refreshInterval Refresh rate in minutes to fetch data from MOEX and Coinmarketcap. Note: often requests can lead to blocking of your API keys.
  • Launching

    You can start ADAMANT InfoServices with node app command, but it is recommended to use process manager:

    pm2 start --name info-service app.js 

    Add info-service to cron:

    crontab -e

    Add string:

    @reboot cd /home/adamant/adamant-currencyinfo-services && pm2 start --name info-service app.js


    To test InfoServices successfully installed, try to open link http://IP:36668/get?coin=ADM in web browser.

    For usage see InfoServices API documentation.