
Crypto exchange bot for ADAMANT

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ADAMANT Exchange Bot is a software that allows you to launch own exchange, anonymous, instant and convenient. Exchange bots work in ADAMANT Messenger chats directly.

Read more: Multiple anonymous crypto exchanges on ADAMANT platform.



  • Ubuntu 16 / Ubuntu 18 (other OS had not been tested)
  • NodeJS v 8+ (already installed if you have a node on your machine)
  • MongoDB (installation instructions)


su - adamant
git clone https://github.com/Adamant-im/adamant-exchangebot
cd ./adamant-exchangebot
npm i

Pre-launch tuning

nano config.json


  • passPhrase The exchanage bot's secret phrase for concluding transactions. Obligatory. Bot's ADAMANT address will correspond this passPhrase.
  • node_ADM <string, array> List of nodes for API work, obligatorily
  • node_ETH <string, array> List of nodes for Ethereum API work, obligatorily
  • node_LSK <string, array> List of nodes for Lisk API work, obligatorily
  • node_DOGE <string, array> List of nodes for Doge API work, obligatorily
  • node_BTC <string, array> List of nodes for Bitcoin API work, obligatorily
  • node_DASH <string, array> List of nodes for Dash API work, obligatorily
  • infoservice <string, array> List of ADAMANT InfoServices for catching exchange rates, obligatorily
  • slack Token for Slack alerts for the bot’s administrator. No alerts if not set.
  • adamant_notify ADM address for the bot’s administrator. Recommended.
  • known_crypto <string, array> List of crytpocurrencies bot can work with. If bot will receive or request for crypto not in list, it will not process payment and notify owner. Obligatorily
  • accepted_crypto <string, array> List of crytpocurrencies you want to accept for exchange. If bot will receive payment in not-in-list crypto, it will try to return it. Obligatorily
  • exchange_crypto <string, array> List of crytpocurrencies you want to send in exchange. If bot will receive request for exchange of not-in-list crypto, it will try to return payment back. Obligatorily
  • exchange_fee Pecentage you take as fee for bot's service. Default is 10.
  • exchange_fee_ADM Pecentage you take as fee, if receiving payment is in specific currency. This value will override general exchange_fee
  • min_value_usd Minimum payment equivalent in USD accepted. Default is 1.
  • daily_limit_usd Daily exchange limit for one user, equivalent in USD. Default is 1000.
  • min_confirmations How many confirmations to wait before transaction counts accepted. Default is 3.
  • min_confirmations_ADM To override min_confirmations for specific cryptocurrency.
  • welcome_string How to reply user in-chat, if unknown command received. Default is “Hi! 😊 I'm your exchange bot. I operate instantly and anonymously. ℹ️ Learn more about me on ADAMANT’s blog or type /help to see what I can.”


You can start the Exchange Bot with the node app command, but it is recommended to use the process manager for this purpose.

pm2 start --name exchangebot app.js 

Add Exchange Bot to cron:

crontab -e

Add string:

@reboot cd /home/adamant/adamant-exchangebot && pm2 start --name exchangebot app.js


su - adamant
cd ./adamant-exchangebot
pm2 stop exchangebot
mv config.json config_bup.json && git pull && mv config_bup.json config.json
npm i
pm2 start --name exchangebot app.js