
ADAMANT Forging pool with Web interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ADAMANT Forging pool is a software that helps you running Fogring pool, calculating and transferring voters’ rewards automatically.

Read more about Forging, delegates, Fair dPoS, and how to run your Forging pool.

Features and advantages

  • Easy to install
  • Customizable (config file)
  • History of all work made stored in the database
  • Minimum server requirements
  • Setup on a separate machine without a node
  • Informative web interface for voters + mobile version
  • Notification system via ADAMANT, Slack for admin (other method is configurable)
  • Built-in node availability check
  • Read-only mode without passphrase or with automatic payments

See User-frienldy description and installation instructions.



  • Ubuntu 16 / Ubuntu 18 (other OS had not been tested)
  • NodeJS v 8+ (already installed if you have a node on your machine)


su - adamant
git clone https://github.com/Adamant-im/adamant-pool
cd ./adamant-pool
npm i

Pre-launch tuning

nano config.json


  • node <string, array> List of nodes for pool’s API work, obligatorily
  • address The delegate’s ADM wallet address, obligatorily
  • passPhrase The delegate’s secret phrase for concluding transactions. If absent, transfers are not available, and the pool will work in “Read only” mode as system for statistics.
  • reward_percentage The percentage of forged amount that will be sent to voters. Default: 80
  • minpayout Minimal sum for transfer in the end of payout period (in ADM). If the amount is not enough, the payment will be postponed to the next period. Default: 10
  • payoutperiod The duration of payout period (1d, 5d, 10d, 15d, 30d) counted from the first day of a month. 1d — everyday payouts. 10d — payouts every 1st, 10th, 20th days of month. Default: 10d
  • considerownvote Whether to consider your own vote (can you vote for the delegate for yourself). Default: false
  • maintenancewallet Wallet to transfer delegate share (100-reward_percentage) to. If the wallet is not set, this amount will remain on the delegate’s wallet.
  • slack Token for Slack alerts for the pool’s administrator. No alerts if not set.
  • adamant_notify ADM address for the pool’s administrator. Recommended.
  • port Port for connecting the web interface. The web interface is available at http://IP:port. Default: 36668


You can start the pool with the node app command, but it is recommended to use the process manager for this purpose.

pm2 start --name adamantpool app.js 

Add pool to cron:

crontab -e

Add string:

@reboot cd /home/adamant/adamant-pool && pm2 start --name adamantpool app.js