
A node script that can download Cloudfront logs and then replay them against a different host/environment to load test your site.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Load Testing Script using Cloudfront Logs

A load testing script in NodeJS that pulls cloudfront logs and replays them.

Getting Started

These instructions will get this script up and running on your local machine.


  • node
  • yarn
  • You need to have the .aws/credentials file locally with the default credentials (See this article for details)

To Run the load test

  • Install packages: yarn
  • Download an hour's worth of logs: node .\download-cloudfront-logs.js --timestamp <YYYY-MM-DD-HH> --bucketName <cloudfrontLogsBucketName> --cloudfrontId <distribution id> --s3folder <folder where logs are kept>
    • NOTE: the timestamp is in UTC
  • Replay the logs against the host of your choice: node ./load-test.js --urlHost 'www.<yourHost>.com' --prefix '/<the path subset you want to test>' --maxPings 100
    • NOTE: if you run out of memory, run node such as with 4gb:node --max-old-space-size=4096 ....

Parameters for download-cloudfront-logs.js

Name Required Description Default Value
timestamp required A timestamp in the format of: YYYY-MM-DD-HH. This is used to grab all S3 logs with that file prefix -
bucketName required The S3 bucket that contains the Cloudfront logs -
cloudfrontId required The ID of the cloudfront distribution in question -
s3folder required The folder within S3 to get logs from -

Parameters for load-test.js

Name Required Description Default Value
urlHost required The url host that you want to ping -
prefix optional A path prefix for the urls that you want to replay (if you don't want to replay all logs, but instead just a subset) -
maxPings optional If you want to limit the load test to a certain number of pings -


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This project is licensed under the Apache 2 License - see the LICENSE file for details