- Minimum Java 8 or Android 5.1
should be set to 34.
Include the following dependency in your project:
implementation 'com.paytabs:payment-sdk:6.6.8'
If you encounter a "Duplicated class" dependency conflict with the coroutine API, add the following to your app's Gradle file:
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
exclude group: "org.jetbrains.kotlinx", module: "kotlinx-coroutines-debug"
If you are using ProGuard, you may need to exclude the library classes:
-keep public class com.payment.paymentsdk.**{*;}
val profileId = "PROFILE_ID"
val serverKey = "SERVER_KEY"
val clientKey = "CLIENT_KEY"
val locale = PaymentSdkLanguageCode.EN or PaymentSdkLanguageCode.AR
val screenTitle = "Test SDK"
val cartId = "123456"
val cartDesc = "Cart description"
val currency = "AED"
val amount = 20.0
val tokeniseType = PaymentSdkTokenise.NONE
// Options:
// PaymentSdkTokenise.USER_OPTIONAL
// PaymentSdkTokenise.USER_MANDATORY
// PaymentSdkTokenise.MERCHANT_MANDATORY
val transType = PaymentSdkTransactionType.SALE
// or PaymentSdkTransactionType.AUTH
// or PaymentSdkTransactionType.REGISTER
val tokenFormat = PaymentSdkTokenFormat.Hex32Format()
// Options:
// PaymentSdkTokenFormat.NoneFormat
// PaymentSdkTokenFormat.AlphaNum20Format
// PaymentSdkTokenFormat.Digit22Format
// PaymentSdkTokenFormat.Digit16Format
// PaymentSdkTokenFormat.AlphaNum32Format
val billingData = PaymentSdkBillingDetails(
"2-digit ISO country code",
"Address street",
val shippingData = PaymentSdkShippingDetails(
"2-digit ISO country code",
"Address street",
val configData = PaymentSdkConfigBuilder(profileId, serverKey, clientKey, amount ?: 0.0, currency)
.setMerchantCountryCode("AE") // ISO Alpha-2 code
startCardPayment(this, configData, callback = this)
// or
startSamsungPayment(this, configData, "samsungpay token", callback = this)
override fun onError(error: PaymentSdkError) {
Log.d(TAG_PAYTABS, "onError: $error")
Toast.makeText(this, "${error.msg}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
override fun onPaymentFinish(paymentSdkTransactionDetails: PaymentSdkTransactionDetails) {
Log.d(TAG_PAYTABS, "onPaymentFinish: $paymentSdkTransactionDetails")
override fun onPaymentCancel() {
Toast.makeText(this, "Cancelled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
Log.d(TAG_PAYTABS, "onPaymentCancel:")
/** To set a timeout of 2 minutes (120 seconds).
* Set to 0 to deactivate the timeout feature.
* The expiryTime cannot be set to less than 60 seconds.
To close the payment screen if there are no ongoing transactions:
- Normal Card Payment:
startCardPayment(context = this, ptConfigData = configData, callback = this)
- Recurring Payment:
context = this,
ptConfigData = configData,
token = yourToken,
transactionRef = yourTransactionReference,
callback = this)
- Recurring Payment with 3DS Feature Enabled (Request CVV):
context = this,
ptConfigData = configData,
savedCardInfo = PaymentSDKSavedCardInfo("Masked card", "Visa or MC or card type"),
token = token!!,
callback = this)
- Recurring Payment with Saved Cards:
context = this,
ptConfigData = configData,
support3DS = true,
callback = this)
- Create a Query Configuration:
val queryConfig = PaymentSDKQueryConfiguration(
"Country ISO 2",
"Profile Id",
"Transaction Reference"
- Execute the Query:
String profileId = "PROFILE_ID";
String serverKey = "SERVER_KEY";
String clientKey = "CLIENT_KEY";
PaymentSdkLanguageCode locale = PaymentSdkLanguageCode.EN;
String screenTitle = "Test SDK";
String cartId = "123456";
String cartDesc = "Cart description";
String currency = "AED";
double amount = 20.0;
PaymentSdkTokenise tokeniseType = PaymentSdkTokenise.NONE;
// Options:
// PaymentSdkTokenise.USER_OPTIONAL
// PaymentSdkTokenise.USER_MANDATORY
// PaymentSdkTokenise.MERCHANT_MANDATORY
PaymentSdkTransactionType transType = PaymentSdkTransactionType.SALE;
// or PaymentSdkTransactionType.AUTH
// or PaymentSdkTransactionType.REGISTER
PaymentSdkTokenFormat tokenFormat = new PaymentSdkTokenFormat.Hex32Format();
// Options:
// new PaymentSdkTokenFormat.NoneFormat()
// new PaymentSdkTokenFormat.AlphaNum20Format()
// new PaymentSdkTokenFormat.Digit22Format()
// new PaymentSdkTokenFormat.Digit16Format()
// new PaymentSdkTokenFormat.AlphaNum32Format()
PaymentSdkBillingDetails billingData = new PaymentSdkBillingDetails(
"2-digit ISO country code",
"Address street",
PaymentSdkShippingDetails shippingData = new PaymentSdkShippingDetails(
"2-digit ISO country code",
"Address street",
PaymentSdkConfigurationDetails configData = new PaymentSdkConfigBuilder(profileId, serverKey, clientKey, amount, currency)
.setMerchantCountryCode("AE") // ISO Alpha-2 code
PaymentSdkActivity.startCardPayment(this, configData, this);
public void onError(@NotNull PaymentSdkError paymentSdkError) {
// Handle error
public void onPaymentCancel() {
// Handle cancellation
public void onPaymentFinish(@NotNull PaymentSdkTransactionDetails paymentSdkTransactionDetails) {
// Handle payment completion
- Normal Card Payment:
- Recurring Payment:
- **Recurring Payment with 3DS Feature Enabled (Request CVV):
new PaymentSDKSavedCardInfo("Masked card", "Visa or MC or card type"),
- Recurring Payment with Saved Cards:
You can use paymentSdkTransactionDetails?.isSuccess
to ensure a successful transaction. If the transaction is not successful, you should check the corresponding failure code, which you will receive in paymentSdkTransactionDetails?.paymentResult?.responseCode
. All codes can be found in the Payment Response Codes.
To enable tokenization, follow the instructions below:
// Request token and transaction reference by passing tokeniseType and Format
setTokenise(PaymentSdkTokenise.MERCHANT_MANDATORY, PaymentSdkTokenFormat.Hex32Format())
// You will receive token and reference after the first transaction
// Pass the token and transaction reference returned from the SDK
.setTokenisationData(token = "", transactionReference = "")
The Payment SDK allows you to customize BIN-based discounts through the PaymentSdkCardApproval
class, which collects approval details via an API.
val cardApproval = PaymentSdkCardApproval(
validationUrl = "Your validation URL. Ex: https://yourdomain.com/validate",
binLength = 8,
blockIfNoResponse = false
val configData = PaymentSdkConfigBuilder(profileId, serverKey, clientKey, amount ?: 0.0, currency)
: The endpoint provided by the business where the Payment SDK will pass transaction information and receive a response.binLength
: The length of the BIN (default is 6 digits, can be set to 8).blockIfNoResponse
: Determines whether to block the transaction if there is no response from the validation endpoint.
To apply a discount on a card payment, use the following method:
// List of card discounts
val cardDiscount = listOf(
// List of card prefixes from 4 to 10 digits
// Discount percentage or value
// Discount description
"● 10% discount on VISA cards starting with 40001",
// Discount type: percentage or value
To enable payments with Samsung Pay, first integrate with the Samsung Pay API. Follow the Samsung Pay Integration Guide.
Pass the returned JSON token from Samsung Pay to the following method:
startSamsungPayment(this, configData, "samsungpay token", callback = this)
Add your custom font files with the following names:
To override strings, colors, or dimens, add the resource you need to override from the resources below:
<!-- Override colors -->
<color name="payment_sdk_primary_color">#ffffff</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_secondary_color">#0073bc</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_status_bar_color">#444647</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_primary_font_color">#4c4c4c</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_secondary_font_color">#0073bc</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_hint_font_color">#a5a5a5</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_stroke_color">#e1e1e1</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_button_text_color">#FFF</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_title_text_color">#1e1e1e</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_error_text_color">#EC2213</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_button_background_color">#0073bc</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_background_color">#F9FAFD</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_input_field_background_color">#FFFFFFFF</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_enabled_switch_track_color">#00000000</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_enabled_switch_handle_color">#3db39e</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_disabled_switch_track_color">#00000000</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_disabled_switch_handle_color">#c7c7c7</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_switch_stroke_color">#c7c7c7</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_billing_header_background_color">#0073bc</color>
<color name="payment_sdk_billing_text_color">#FFF</color>
<!-- Override dimens -->
<dimen name="payment_sdk_title_font_size">18sp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_title_margin">24dp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_primary_font_size">16sp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_secondary_font_size">16sp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_button_font_size">16sp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_separator_thickness">1dp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_stroke_thickness">.5dp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_input_corner_radius">8dp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_card_corner_radius">8dp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_card_margin">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_billing_header_corner_radius">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_billing_header_margin">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_button_corner_radius">8dp</dimen>
<dimen name="payment_sdk_error_font_size">12sp</dimen>
<!-- Override styles -->
<style name="PaymentSdkTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.NoActionBar">
<!-- Hides the payment screen title background -->
<item name="payment_sdk_hideScreenTitleBackground">true</item>
<!-- Sets the alignment of the payment screen title [start-end-center] -->
<item name="payment_sdk_screenTitleAlignment">start</item>
<!-- Hides the card and button shadows -->
<item name="payment_sdk_hideViewsShadow">true</item>
You can find the keys with the default values here:
To override the back button icon, add your drawable file with the name:
For a list of common issues, refer to Common Issues.
For licensing information, see License.