
The official PayTabs CS-Cart Plugin

Primary LanguagePHP

PayTabs - CS-Cart

The official PayTabs CS-Cart Plugin


Install using Add-on method

  1. Download the latest release
  2. Navigate to: CS-Cart admin panel >> Add-ons >> Manage Add-ons >> Manual installation
  3. Select "Local" then select the downloaded the Add-on zip file from your local disk
  4. Click on Upload & install


If the Add-on does not appear or if it is not correctly installed, repeat the Upload step.

This happens sometimes when a previous version exists.

Install using FTP method

  1. Download the latest release
  2. Copy the files to your root cs-cart folder.
  3. Navigate to: CS-Cart admin panel >> Add-ons >> Manage Add-ons
  4. Locate PayTabs and clik on Install button

Activating the Plugin

  1. Navigate to: "CS-Cart admin panel" >> Administration >> Payment methods
  2. Click on Add Payment Method
  3. Enter "PayTabs" in the Name field, select PayTabs from the Processor list, use the provided 'paytabs_logo.png' as the Icon
  4. Click Create
  5. Edit the newly added Payment Method and navigate to the Configure tab and supply your PayTabs Credentials

Refund feature

Enable Refund

Go to Add-ons and active RMA Add-on.

Docs: https://docs.cs-cart.com/latest/user_guide/addons/rma/index.html

Store admin notes

Make sure that return feature is enabled for all products (Enabled by default)

  1. Navigate to: CS-Cart admin panel >> Products >> Products >> open any product
  2. Open Add-ons tab
  3. Double check RMA section, Returnable checkbox
Manage the Refund requests
  1. Navigate to CS-Cart admin panel >> Orders >> Return Requests
  2. Select the request
  3. Open the Actions tab
  4. Set the new status (Approved or Completed)
  5. Save

Customer steps

To request a Refund:

  1. Navigate to the order details page
  2. Click on Request a replacement or a refund
  3. Select Refund, selecte the products & quantities, add any comments
  4. Click Return


  1. Order status should be Completed to allow Return requests


Clear cache from var\cache\templates\backend before reinstalling the plugin.

Log Access

PayTabs custom log

  1. Access debug_paytabs.log file found at: /var/debug_paytabs.log
