

Primary LanguageDart

Features 🔥

  • Retrieve events from backend using REST APIs and displays them.
  • Filter events according to their category and view events details.
  • Purchase tickets using the PayTabs payment gateway.

Demo 💾 (The gifs may take time to load...)

Collaborators 👨 💻

Abdelrahman Jamal

Ammar Elgml

Prerequisites 📚

Make sure you meet the following requirements:
  • You have flutter installed on your machine (updating to the latest version is preferred), if not, you can install it from here.
  • Your IDE has all the official flutter/dart plugins.
  • Your device/emulator is running android with a minimum sdk version of 30

Flutter PayTabs Bridge Package

How to Run 🚀

Install the needed dependencies using

flutter pub get

Then with your emulator open, follow up with

flutter run

Attributions 💚


Thanks to symu for providing the template of this project for free.

You can find the template used here

Other Assets

Thanks To:

For Providing additional that were used in developing the app.