

During this work assignment I made many changes to the customers code. First, I went through the code to make sure each link was working properly. The Search Engine Optimization navigation tab was not working correctly, so I made the accurate correction and it is now working properly. Second, I updated three of the divs and renamed them header, content, and footer. This helps make the code easier to read and follow along with for the next developer. Next, I added alternative text to each image in the case that a user is unable to load this content, they will still be able to understand what the image is showing. Next, I made sure the HTML structure was readage and in order of how the page should show.

After looking at the HTML, I moved onto the CSS. I reordered the CSS to be in sequential order. Next I reduced the CSS code when multiple attributes had the same styling. For example, the imagines in the content tag all had the same styling. I group the Content Images to be the same class which then allowed for only one style tag in the CSS file. I repeated this with any other repeating code that could be reduced without changing the style of the page.

Lastly, I updated the title of the webpage to match what the user would be expecting to see when visiting this specific website.


![Horiseon-Webpage](code-refractor/assets/images/Horiseon Webpage.jpeg)