Back to the 90's

This is a student project we made as part of our education at Soy Henry, which consisted of creating a full-stack React application from scratch.

Our stack of technologies:

Front End:

  • HTML - CSS - Javascript
  • React
  • React-Bootstrap
  • Redux

Back End:

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Passport
  • Sequelize


  • Postgres

How to start the project:

If you want to see the page for yourself, you'll need to do the following:

  • Clone the repository
  • Create a .env file in the client folder with the following contents:


  • Install PostgreSQL on your computer and create a database called development.

  • Head to the Google, Facebook and Github developer consoles to obtain your OAuth keys. If you're unfamiliat with the process, you can find some helpful guides here, here and here.

  • Sign up with Mailgun and obtain an API key.

  • Create a .env file in in the api folder with the following contents:

DB_USER={Your postgreSQL user} DB_PASSWORD={Your postgreSQL password} DB_HOST=localhost passportSecret={Anything you want} googleClientID={Your Google OAuth ID} googleClientSecret={Your Google OAuth secret} githubClientID={Your Github OAuth ID} githubClientSecret={Your Github OAuth Secret}

The app doesn't have any products or users created by default, you'll have to add them yourself! In order to do so, you'll have to log in as an admin. The default admin is:

Email: Password: admin


Home page:



User Profile:

Admin Control Panel:



No products:

About Us:

We are a group of 5 Soy Henry students. These are our Github accounts: