The skytemplates generation consists in 4 main steps: selection of images, run few processing steps to generate the products to be used as ingredients, run of sky_pca to produce the number of PCA components, and sky_template to generate the final product, per band, per CCD.
Get range of nights to work on (given by epoch range)
Select object images with typical exposure time, not being part of the SN survey, and reasonably good
(measured fromB_EFF
). Notice that we need to decrease/increase the threshold value depending on the band, to get about 600 exposureswith w as (select expnum, max(lastchanged_time) maxtime from finalcut_eval where analyst!='SNQUALITY' group by expnum) select e.expnum, e.nite, e.exptime,, e.object, fcut.t_eff from w, exposure e, finalcut_eval fcut where nite between NIGHT_START and NIGHT_END and exptime between 20 and 100 and e.object like '%hex%' and{band} and e.expnum=fcut.expnum and fcut.accepted='True' and fcut.program='survey' and fcut.analyst != 'SNQUALITY' and fcut.lastchanged_time=w.maxtime and fcut.expnum=w.expnum and fcut.t_eff > 0.9 order by fcut.t_eff; > explist_{year}_{epoch}_{band}.csv
With the list of exposures, apply further selection criteria. Example: avoid the vicinity of 20171110 when the mysterious lightbulb appeared.
Run the following steps
- crosstalk-sci
- pixcorrect (save outputs)
- (not-essential:) wcs + mkbleedmask (in case I want to experiment with few images)
- skycompress-mkbleedmask
- skycombine-mkbleedmask (save outputs)
- Note as we are stacking many exposures, make bleed masks can be avoided, just as a statistic consequence.
Version without mkbleedmask : I modified a template for widefield to only run the above steps. As these steps assume mkbleedmask ran, I modified the wcl files to use pixcorrect outputs. The bleedmask-mini are not specifically generated from bleedmasked but from pixcorrected. The campaign for this are
Version with mkbleedmask : For the version using mkbleedmask, it also needs information from the WCS to be calculated beforehand (SExtractor). I don't have the campaign to do this
Get the list of exposure numbers from the .csv created few steps ago
awk -F "," '{print $1}' {some csv file} cat {some csv file} | cut -d, -f1
A typical call would be. Note if you use
instead oflist
it triggers an --db_section db-desoper --list {expnum list} --campaign {Y4A1_PRESKY, Y5N_PRESKY} --project {ACT, OPS} --target_site CampusClusterSmall --archive_name desar2home --jira_summary 'preparation skytemplates Y5' --eups_stack finalcut Y4A1+5 --queue_size 50 --calnite 20160921t1003 --calrun r3335p02 --ignore_processed
With the results of the above, the last 2 steps of the skytemplates creation can be achieved
First, create the list of binned focal plane images to be input to
from which the 4 components will be calculatedselect fai.path, fai.filename from file_archive_info fai, pfw_attempt att, desfile d, exposure e where att.reqnum={REQNUM} and att.attnum={ATTNUM} and fai.filename=d.filename -- also and and d.filetype='bleedmask_binned_fp' and CONCAT('D00', e.expnum)=att.unitname and{BAND} group by fai.path, fai.filename order by fai.filename; > {bleedmask binned fp images}
Modify the output CSV to be used as input list
- If Running from the
awk -F "," '{print "/archive_data/desarchive/"$1"/"$2}' {CSV as above}
- If running from local we need to creaty copy scripts
#!/bin/bash # Create local bash files for transfer binned_fp files and also create the # input tables for sky_pca bands=(g r i z Y) for k in ${bands[@]} do echo $k band # k is set as variable inside awk by -v k=$k # we avoid the first line (header) by using FNR > 1 echo Creating bash copy script awk -F "," -v k=$k 'FNR > 1 {print("cp /archive_data/desarchive/" $1 "/" $2 " binned_fp/" k )}' 'bleedmask_'$k'.csv' > 'copy_'$k'.sh' echo Creating paths for sky_pca awk -F "," -v k=$k 'FNR > 1 {print("binned_fp/" k "/" $2)}' 'bleedmask_'$k'.csv' > 'local_bleedm ask_binned_'$k'.csv' done
- If Running from the
A typical call to
should be something likesky_pca -i {bleedmask binned fp paths} -o {PCA mini n04} -n 4 --reject_rms {rejection value} -s {full filename path to save config} -l {full filename path to save logs} -v
using the following RMS values for rejection
band | RMS reject value |
g | 0.008 |
r | 0.005 |
i | 0.005 |
z | 0.003 |
Y | 0.004 |
u | 0.008 |
VR | 0.008 |
N964 | 0.008 |
- If we want to force numpy to go 1-CPU wide only, not at my wrapper level, but
level, thensource
the following
First, create a list per CCD for the reduced images to be used for the sky template. Note use of
table doesn't work because don't have entries for red_pixcor e.expnum, fai.path, fai.filename, fai.compression from file_archive_info fai, pfw_attempt att, desfile d, exposure e where att.reqnum={REQNUM} and att.attnum={ATTNUM} and and and d.filetype='red_pixcor' and CONCAT('D00', e.expnum)=att.unitname and fai.filename like '%_c{0:2d CCDNUM}_%' and{BAND} order by att.unitname; > {pixcor list per CCD}
If doing it in
can use:awk -F "," '{print $1 " /archive_data/desarchive/" $2 "/" $3}' {CSV as above}
We have 2 options
- Use a table containing
expnum full_path
for all the files to be used ingredients. The aboveawk
line helps in construct that table. In this case, the argument--input_list ExpnumPath_c01_g_y5.txt
need to be used - Copy the files and put them under the same local directory, then use
the argument to input a template
- Considering the above, a typical call to sky_template, on a CCD
basis would be
sky_template --saveconfig config/skytemplate_c01_g_y5.config --log log/skytemplate_c01_g_y5.log --infile pcamini_n04_g_y5.fits --outfilename skytemplate_n04_c01_g_y5.fits --ccdnum 1 --reject_rms 0.008 --good_filename good_skytemplate_c01_g_y5.fits -v --input_list ExpnumPath_c01_g_y5.txt OR --input_template pixcor_tmp/D{expnum:08d}_g_c{ccd:02d}_rNNNNpNN_pixcor.fits
- Use a table containing
The code is a wrapper for
. It runs over the set of band and CCDs, using the ingredients coming from a single pipeline run (reqnum, attnum, filetype red_pixcor). The process is launch in parallel, with the ability to increase the default chunk size (1 by default) to a larger values, to avoid memory errors. Larger (about ~100) values of chunk size will decrease the speed but will be safer, avoiding memory issues. -
A typical call would be
python --label Y5_withY2N_ch250 --chunk 250
For more information, display the help from
To rename and match the DES naming
awk '{print("cp " $1 " Y6A1_20180908t1117_" substr($1, length($1)-5, 1) "_" substr($1, length($1)-9,
3) "_r4024p01_skypca-tmpl.fits")}' list.txt
Due to the issue sky_pca outputs, using actual stacks have some strange binning, an older must be setup. Use the following while the issue is not solved.
source /work/apps/RHEL6/dist/eups/ setup -r /{work devel of MY USER}/git/pipebox/ setup -r /{work devel of MY USER}/svn/desdmreportingframework/trunk/ export DES_DB_SECTION=db-desoper export X509_USER_PROXY=/home/{MY USER}/.globus/osg/user.proxy setup -v Y2Nstack 1.0.6+14 export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %T "
Be aware of only load the stack and no additional packages as:
bash setup -v easyaccess 1.4.2+0 setup -v pandas 0.15.2+2
it causes the solution to be bad in some cases (in other cases not, which is concerning)