
Alarm.com plugin for Homebridge using Node.js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Alarm.com plugin for Homebridge

Homebridge and Alarm.com logos combined

Alarm.com plugin for Homebridge using the node-alarm-dot-com interface.


npm npm verified-by-homebridge

This is a plugin for Homebridge, allowing communication with Alarm.com endpoints.

Supported Features

  • Two-Factor Authentication
  • Querying panels
    • Arming
    • Disarming
  • Sensors (due to lag and capabilities in Alarm.com's web API, these features are partially supported)
    • Contact sensor states
    • Water leak sensor states
    • Motion sensor states
  • Lights
    • On/Off switch
    • Dimmer switch
  • Locks
    • Lock/Unlock switch
  • Garage Doors
    • Open/Close switch


  1. Install homebridge: npm install -g homebridge
  2. Install this plugin: npm install -g homebridge-node-alarm-dot-com
  3. Update your configuration file (see below).


Sample config.json:

  "name": "Security System",
  "username": "<YOUR ALARM.COM USERNAME>",
  "password": "<YOUR ALARM.COM PASSWORD>",
  "useMFA": true,
  "logLevel": 4,
  "authTimeoutMinutes": 10,
  "pollTimeoutSeconds": 30,
  "armingModes": {
    "away": {
      "noEntryDelay": false,
      "silentArming": false,
      "nightArming": false
    "night": {
      "noEntryDelay": false,
      "silentArming": false,
      "nightArming": false
    "stay": {
      "noEntryDelay": false,
      "silentArming": false,
      "nightArming": false
  "platform": "Alarmdotcom"


  • platform: Must always be "Alarmdotcom" (required)
  • name: Can be anything (required)
  • username: Alarm.com login username, same as app (required)
  • password: Alarm.com login password, same as app (required)
  • useMFA: boolean indicating if your account requires MFA (required)
  • mfaCookie: MFA cookie to be sent with your API requests. Only needed if "useMFA" is set to true
  • armingModes: Object of objects with arming mode options of boolean choices (WARNING: the Alarm.com webAPI does not support setting silent arming to true and this feature does not work at this time)
  • authTimeoutMinutes: Timeout to Re-Authenticate session (WARNING: choosing a time less than 10 minutes could possibly ban/disable your account from Alarm.com)
  • pollTimeoutSeconds: Device polling interval (WARNING: choosing a time less than 60 seconds could possibly ban/disable your account from Alarm.com)
  • logLevel: Adjust what gets reported in the logs
    • 0 = NO LOG ENTRIES
    • 1 = ONLY ERRORS
    • 3 = GENERAL NOTICES, ERRORS and WARNINGS (default)
    • 4 = VERBOSE (everything including development output, this also generates a file ADC-SystemStates.json with the payload details from Alarm.com in the same folder as the Homebridge config.json file)
  • ignoredDevices: An array of IDs for Alarm.com accessories you wish to hide in Homekit


Before assuming that something is wrong with the plugin, please review the issues on this project's github repository to see if there's already a similar issue reported where a solution has been proposed or the outcome is expected due to limitations with the Alarm.com web API.

Devices not responding after upgrading to v1.9.0

Due to changes in the way sensors are polled in v1.9.0, there have reports of needing to clear your device cache after this upgrade. See this issue for more information.

Migrating from Bryan Bartow's homebridge-alarm.com

If you are replacing the Bryan Bartow's Homebridge plugin with this implementation, you may be required to delete the ~/.homebridge/accessories/cachedAccessories file for the new platform to show up with the new panel, accessories and devices.

WARNING: If you delete the contents of the ~/.homebridge/persist folder, your Homebridge and devices will become unresponsive and you will have to entirely re-pair the Homebridge bridge (remove and re-scan the QR-code for Homebridge and set up all of your accessories/devices again).


The default setting for log entries is set to report critical errors, warnings about devices and notices about connecting to the Alarm.com account. Once you feel that your security system devices are being represented in HomeKit correctly you can choose to reduce the amount of information being output to the logs to save space or remove cruft while troubleshooting other Homebridge plugins.

To modify the log behaviour, add the "logLevel" field to the Alarmdotcom platform block in the Homebridge configuration file. The following example illustrates that we only want critical errors to be reported in the log.

Ignoring Devices

Accessories that you wish to hide in Homekit (e.g., fobs) can be identified by finding the Serial Number in the settings of the accessory in the Apple Home app, or alternatively in your output log (log level 3 or higher) when Homebridge starts up. If the accessories still exist in Homekit, please make sure that you have typed the serial number exactly. If they still continue to be displayed (or vice-versa they still don't show up after un-ignoring them), then you may be required to delete the ~/.homebridge/accessories/cachedAccessories file as they may still be stored in the cache within Homebridge.


Forked from John Hurliman's FrontPoint* plugin for Homebridge to replace the branding and code namespace from FrontPoint to Alarm.com.

*FrontPoint is simply a rebranded service provider for Alarm.com, but FrontPoint is not needed for this plugin to work.

A big thank you to Mike Kormendy for forking and working on this plugin so long!