
My attempt at web crawling using Go

Primary LanguageGo


This project is an attempt to build a web crawler using golang and implement concurrency

The project provides multiple options which are configurable using environment variables as follows:

Option Environment Variable Values Accepted Default Value Description Required
Concurrency THREAD_COUNT Integer 5 This option lets you control the concurrency at which the crawler runs defaulting to 5 False
URL to crawl CRAWL_URL String - This lets you configure the URL which you want to crawl and should be provided True
Root Path ROOT_PATH String - This lets you configure the root path in which responses should be saved if you want to save responses to the disk. Needs to be set to a valid directory path if STORE_ON_DISK is set to True False
Output Control DISPLAY_URI Boolean false This lets you configure if you want to view the URIs that are being visited by the crawler False
Store On Disk STORE_ON_DISK Boolean false This lets you configure if you want to save the responses fetched on the local disk False



  • Before running the go script locally please install go version 1.13.1
  • Install all dependencies using go mod download
The source code can be run with defaults as:
You can run the source code as: go run crawler.go <URL>
You can also use the env variable to specify URL: CRAWL_URL=<URL> go run crawler.go

All other options can be configured as env variables by either setting them as a env variable or supplying the env variable with go command as:

ENV_VAR_1=value go run crawler.go

To run just the crawler it can be run as a docker container as well

docker run -e CRAWL_URL=<URL> baderiapiyush/web-crawler-go:latest

##Examples To run with a concurrency of 3:

THREAD_COUNT=3 go run crawler.go <URL>
docker run -e CRAWL_URL=<URL> -e THREAD_COUNT=3 baderiapiyush/web-crawler-go:latest

To store responses on disk:

STORE_ON_DISK=true ROOT_PATH=/Users/piyushbaderia/response/ go run crawler.go <URL>
docker run -e CRAWL_URL=<URL> -e STORE_ON_DISK=true ROOT_PATH=/Users/piyushbaderia/response/ baderiapiyush/web-crawler-go:latest

To Display URIs that are being crawled:

DISPLAY_URI=true go run crawler.go <URL>
docker run -e CRAWL_URL=<URL> -e DISPAY_URI=true baderiapiyush/web-crawler-go:latest


The crawler performs the following tasks:

  • Crawls a single subdomain i.e. the base domain of the URI passed to crawl on
  • Option to view URIs that are being crawled
  • Option to store the responses on local
  • Provides control over concurrency
  • The requests timeout after 30 sec


The crawler can be enhanced on the following points:

  • More tests : The crawler currently does not have tests for the functions that need to fetch data over the internet
  • BenchMark Tests: Benchmark tests need to be added to the crawler to benchmark performance for every change
  • Support for Robots.txt: Crawler currently does not support robots.txt restrictions
  • Transport Configuration: More http client options should be added to support for TLS