Recently, the results from were noticed by several people. This resulted in significant discussion on social media sites: A quick reading would suggest that a large number of systems papers have unusable artifacts. However, several authors reported that their work had not been represented fairly. In addition, some disinterested people found problems with the evaluation of work by others. As the claims multiplied, it became clear that the evaluation done here warranted further investigation. This repository is meant to enable and publicize the findings of that investigation. The files are as follows: data/.csv is from those authors. To generate the output: - install DrRacket 6.0 ( Then either: - load emit.rkt in DrRacket - click "Run" or (assuming your path includes the Racket binary): - run this command: racket emit.rkt This should generate output/index.html.
Tracking Responses to the "Reproducibility in Computer Science" Repository (