This little library is built on top of core.match
It exposes 4 straighforward (but useful I hope) macros:
to define a typefm
for creating and defining pattern matching lambdas
Put the following in your deps.edn
{pbaille/matches {:mvn/version "0.1.7-SNAPSHOT"}}
Then you can require it like this:
(:require [matches.core :as m :refer [deft defc fm defm]]))
(deft num [val]) ;; defines a simple record with a field 'val
It can be instanciated like this
(num 1) ;;=> (num 1)
It prints in a more concise way than default clojure record e.g (num 1)
We can access its field with normal clojure syntax.
(:val (num 1)) ;;=> 1
A predicate is available too
(num? (num 1)) ;;=> true
A type can have several fields
(deft fork [left right])
And take protocols implementation as defrecord do:
(deft myfun [f]
(invoke [this x] ((:f this) x)))
(= 1 ((myfun identity) 1))
Is defining a pattern matched function.
Where user types (defined with deft
or defc
) can be matched/destructured
(defm sum
[(num x) (num y)] (num (+ x y))
[(fork x y) z] (sum (sum x y) z)
[x (fork y z)] (sum x (sum y z)))
(= (sum (num 1) (num 2))
(num 3))
(= (num 10)
(sum (fork (num 3) (fork (num 1) (num 2)))
(num 4)))
(anonymous form)
(let [f (fm [x y] :a
[x y z] :b)]
(and (= :a (f 1 2))
(= :b (f 1 2 3))))
Sometimes you want the whole structure, not destructured
(= ((fm [(num? x) (fork y z)] [x y z])
;; (num? x) is what I call a type-predicate pattern
;; it binds x to the whole structure
(num 1)
(fork 2 3))
[(num 1) 2 3])
can have several arities
(defm myfun
[0 x] :a
[1 x] :b
[x y] :c
[0 x y] :d
[x y z g] :e)
(= :a (myfun 0 42))
(= :b (myfun 1 'iop))
(= :c (myfun 2 3))
(= :d (myfun 0 :foo :bar))
(= :e (myfun 0 :foo :bar :baz))
Even variadic
(defm add
[x] x
[0 x] x
[x 0] x
[x y] (+ x y)
[x y & xs] (reduce add x (cons y xs)))
(= 3 (add 1 2))
(= 10 (add 1 2 3 4))
You can put several variadic patterns
(defm add
[x y & nil] (+ x y)
[x y & xs] (apply add (add x y) xs))
(= 18 (add 3 4 5 )6)
defines a new type, like deft
Along with a pattern matched constructor function:
(defc duo [a b] ;; this is the same as deft, a and b are the record fields
;; constructor cases
;; each case returns the fields values
[(num x) (num y)] [x y] ;; here x and y will be bound to a and b fields
[(fork x _) (fork _ y)] [x y]
[x y] [x y]
;; the constructor can have several arities as long as it returns the required fields values
[(num x) (num y) z] [(+ x y) z])
(duo (num 1) (num 2)) ;;=> (duo 1 2)
(duo (fork :a :b) (fork :c :d)) ;;=> (duo :a :d)
(duo :what :ever) ;=> (duo :what :ever)
(duo (num 1) (num 2) 3) ;=> (duo 3 3)