

This project is meant to demonstrate how to use vue, vue-router and vuex to implement a todo app. It is a visual clone of the popular TodoMVC demo app.

Visual means that this project does not attempt to implement an MVC pattern of the TodoMVC app, but just copy it's visual (UX) aspects.

Libraries used:

  • Vue 2
  • vue-router
  • vuex
  • Vuetify


Before start, check that your node and npm versions are at least as shown below

  • node 8.9.x or higher
  • npm 5.6.x or higher

You can update your node version like this: npm install npm@latest -g

Now, we can clone the project and install the npm dependencies

git clone
cd vue-todos
npm i

Install vue-cli 3 and it's zero-config module globally

npm i -g @vue/cli @vue/cli-service-global 

And finally add pug and sass support to vue-cli, as we will be using both in this project

cd `npm ls -g --depth 0 | head -1` && cd node_modules/@vue/cli-service-global
npm i -E node-sass sass-loader pug pug-loader

See the project running

In your cloned project folder type this at the shell prompt to start the app

vue serve