
RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds generator plugin for VuePress 1.x

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

VuePress Plugin Feed

RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds generator plugin for VuePress 1.x

Build Status npm version Greenkeeper badge MIT License


$ npm install -D vuepress-plugin-feed

# or

$ yarn add -D vuepress-plugin-feed


Add vuepress-plugin-feed in your site or theme config file.

See official docs on using a plugin

// .vuepress/config.js
// or
// .vuepress/theme/index.js

// set your global feed options - override in page frontmatter `feed`
const feed_options = {
  canonical_base: 'https://webmasterish.com',

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    [ 'feed', feed_options ]

Page frontmatter

Page frontmatter.feed is optional. It can be used to override the defaults.

Check the Page class for more details.


title: Page Title

  enable: true
  title: Title used in feed
  description: Description used in feed
  image: /public/image.png
      name: Author
      email: author@doamin.tld
      link: http://doamin.tld
      name: Contributor
      email: contributor@doamin.tld
      link: http://doamin.tld


How pages are added as feed items

A page is auto added as a feed item if one the following conditions is met:

  • frontmatter.feed.enable === true
  • frontmatter.type === 'post'
  • it resides in whatever the posts_directories are set to (the defaults are blog and _posts)

if you need to exclude a particular page that meets one of the conditions above, you can use frontmatter.feed.enable === false.

Details on how pages are filtered can be found in PLUGIN.is_feed_page().

The PLUGIN.is_feed_page() function is the default way of filtering the pages, you can override it using is_feed_page option (see Options section below).


See Plugin Option API official docs

Default options

You can override default options in 2 ways:

  1. Global plugin options set in .vuepress/config.js or .vuepress/theme/index.js as described in Usage
  2. Individual page/post frontmatter as shown in Page frontmatter
const {
} = context.getSiteData ? context.getSiteData() : context;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Feed class options
// @see: https://github.com/jpmonette/feed#example

const feed_options = {

  generator: PLUGIN.homepage,

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // the following are auto populated in PLUGIN.get_options()
  // if they are not set as options

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // ref:
  title: "Feed Title",
  description: "This is my personal feed!",
  id: "http://example.com/",
  link: "http://example.com/",
  image: "http://example.com/image.png",
  favicon: "http://example.com/favicon.ico",
  copyright: "All rights reserved 2013, John Doe",
  updated: new Date(2013, 6, 14), // optional, default = today
  generator: "awesome", // optional, default = 'Feed for Node.js'
  feedLinks: {
    json: "https://example.com/json",
    atom: "https://example.com/atom"
  author: {
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "johndoe@example.com",
    link: "https://example.com/johndoe"


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

const default_options = {

  // required; it can also be used as enable/disable

  canonical_base: '',

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // Feed class options - @see: https://github.com/jpmonette/feed#example
  // optional - auto-populated based on context.getSiteData()


  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // @notes:
  // property name is also the name of the jpmonette/feed package function

  feeds: {

    rss2: {
      enable    : true,
      file_name : 'rss.xml',
      head_link : {
        enable: true,
        type  : 'application/rss+xml',
        title : '%%site_title%% RSS Feed',

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    atom1: {
      enable    : true,
      file_name : 'feed.atom',
      head_link : {
        enable: true,
        type  : 'application/atom+xml',
        title : '%%site_title%% Atom Feed',

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    json1: {
      enable    : true,
      file_name : 'feed.json',
      head_link : {
        enable: true,
        type  : 'application/json',
        title : '%%site_title%% JSON Feed',


  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // page/post description sources

  // order of what gets the highest priority:
  // 1. frontmatter
  // 2. page excerpt
  // 3. content markdown paragraph
  // 4. content regular html <p>

  description_sources: [


    // markdown paragraph regex
    // @todo: needs work
    /^((?:(?!^#)(?!^\-|\+)(?!^[0-9]+\.)(?!^!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\))(?!^\[\[.*?\]\])(?!^\{\{.*?\}\})[^\n]|\n(?! *\n))+)(?:\n *)+\n/gim,
    // this excludes blockquotes using `(?!^>)`
    ///^((?:(?!^#)(?!^\-|\+)(?!^[0-9]+\.)(?!^!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\))(?!^>)(?!^\[\[.*?\]\])(?!^\{\{.*?\}\})[^\n]|\n(?! *\n))+)(?:\n *)+\n/gim,

    // html paragraph regex


  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // page/post image sources

  // order of what gets the highest priority:
  // 1. frontmatter
  // 2. content markdown image such as `![alt text](http://url)`
  // 3. content regular html img

  image_sources: [


    /!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)/i,         // markdown image regex
    /<img.*?src=['"](.*?)['"]/i,  // html image regex


  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // pages in current directories will be auto added as feed
  // unless they are disabled using their frontmatter
  // this option is used by the default is_feed_page function

  posts_directories: ['/blog/', '/_posts/'],

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // function to check if the page is to be used in a feed item

  is_feed_page: PLUGIN.is_feed_page, // function

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  count: 20,

  // optional sorting function for the entries. 
  // Gets the array entries as the input, expects the sorted array
  // as its output.
  // e.g.:   sort:  entries => _.reverse( _.sortBy( entries, 'date' ) ),
  sort: entries => entries,

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // supported - use in config as needed

  // category
  // contributor



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