
Small CLI toolbox for cross-browser WebExtension development

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

WebExtension Toolbox

npm version Node.js CI JavaScript Style Guide license

Small cli toolbox for creating cross-browser WebExtensions.

If you want to get started quickly check out the yeoman generator for this project.

Browser Support



Works with React out of the box!
Run $ npm i react react-dom and you are ready to go.


The build task creates bundles for:

  • Firefox (.xpi)
  • Chrome (.zip)
  • Opera (.crx)
  • Edge (.zip)

Manifest validation

Validates your manifest.json while compiling.

Manifest defaults

Uses default fields (name, version, description) from your package.json

Manifest vendor keys

Allows you to define vendor specific manifest keys.



"name": "my-extension",
"__chrome__key": "yourchromekey",
"__chrome|opera__key2": "yourblinkkey"

If the vendor is chrome it compiles to:

"name": "my-extension",
"key": "yourchromekey",
"key2": "yourblinkkey"

If the vendor is opera it compiles to:

"name": "my-extension",
"key2": "yourblinkkey"

else it compiles to:

"name": "my-extension"


The WebExtension specification is currently only supported by Firefox and Edge (Trident version). This toolbox adds the necessary polyfills for Chrome, Edge (Chromium) and Opera.

This way many webextension apis will work in Chrome, Edge (Chromium) and Opera out of the box.

In addition to that, this toolbox comes with babel-preset-env.



$ npm install -g webextension-toolbox


  • Compiles the extension via webpack to dist/<vendor>.
  • Watches all extension files and recompiles on demand.
  • Reloads extension or extension page as soon something changed.
  • Sets process.env.NODE_ENV to development.
  • Sets process.env.VENDOR to the current vendor.


$ webextension-toolbox dev <vendor> [..options]


$ webextension-toolbox dev --help
$ webextension-toolbox dev chrome
$ webextension-toolbox dev firefox
$ webextension-toolbox dev opera
$ webextension-toolbox dev edge


  • Compile extension via webpack to dist/<vendor>.
  • Minifies extension Code.
  • Sets process.env.NODE_ENV to production.
  • Sets process.env.VENDOR to the current vendor.
  • Packs extension to packages.


Usage: build [options] <vendor>

Compiles extension for production

  -s, --src [src]                       specify source directory (default: "app")
  -t, --target [target]                 specify target directory (default: "dist/[vendor]")
  -d, --devtool [devtool]               controls if and how source maps are generated (default: false)
  -m, --no-minimize                     disables code minification
  -v, --vendorVersion [vendorVersion]   last supported vendor (default: current)
  -h, --help                            output usage information

Browser API

Always use the WebExtension browser API. Webextension-Toolbox will polyfill it for you in chrome and opera.

Entry points

All javascript files located at the root of your ./app or ./app/scripts directory will create a seperate bundle.

app dist
app/background.js dist/<vendor>/background.js
app/scripts/background.js dist/<vendor>/scripts/background.js
app/some-dir/some-file.js Will be ignored as entry file.
app/scripts/some-dir/some-file.js Will be ignored as entry file.

Customizing webpack config

In order to extend our usage of webpack, you can define a function that extends its config via webextension-toolbox.config.js in your project root.

module.exports = {
  webpack: (config, { dev, vendor }) => {
    // Perform customizations to webpack config

    // Important: return the modified config
    return config

As WebExtension Toolbox uses webpack’s devtool feature under the hood, you can also customize the desired devtool with the --devtool argument.

For example, if you have problems with source maps on Firefox, you can try the following command:

webextension-toolbox build firefox --devtool=inline-cheap-source-map

Please see Issue #58 for more information on this


What is the difference to web-ext?

If want to develop browser extensions for Firefox only web-ext might be a better fit for you, since it supports, extension signing, better manifest validation and auto mounting.

Nevertheless if you want to develop cross browser extensions using

  • the same development experience in every browser
  • a single codebase
  • react
  • and custom webpack configuration

webextension-toolbox might be your tool of choice.


Copyright 2021 Henrik Wenz

This project is free software released under the MIT license.