
Read and convert CNF file from Genie2000 software

Primary LanguagePython


Script for reading a Canberra Nuclear File (CNF) form GENIE2000 software.

It can be used as a stand alone script or as a module.

Optionally, it generates a text file with the relevant information read from the CNF file. The output file name is the input file plus '.txt' extension.

When used as a module, it returns a dictionary with all the magnitudes read. Depending on the data available, its keys may be:

    Sample id
    Sample unit
    Sample name
    Channels data
    Energy unit
    Energy coefficients
    Shape coefficients
    Left marker
    Total counts
    Number of channels
    Start time
    Counts in markers
    Right marker
    Sample type
    Sample description
    User name
    Live time
    Real time
    Measurement mode
    MCA type
    Data source


  • read_cnf.py: CNFreader python scrip.
  • README.md: This file
  • cnf_file_format.txt: CNF binary file description. Taken from cnfconv.
  • ./Examples/ : Folder with examples files
    • example_mcs.CNF: Data file aquired with a multichannel analyzer in MCS mode.
    • example_pha.CNF: Data file aquiered with a multichannel analyzer in PHA mode.
    • cs137.CNF: Exxample file of a $^{137}$Cs gamma spectrum (PHA mode).


As a standalone script:

    >>> python read_cnf.py name_of_the_file.CNF
('name_of_the_file.CNF.txt' is automatically created)

As a module:

    >>> from read_cnf import read_cnf_file
    >>> read_dic = read_cnf_file('name_of_the_file.CNF')
    >>> read_dic['Live time']


This script was made as a copy of the c program 'cnfconv' written for the same porpouse. That software can be found here:


All the information of the binary file encoding was taken from the file 'cnf_file_format.txt' of the above repository.


  • Markers information is not being read correctly.
  • If the CNF file are obtained in a MCA mode, the live and real time are not read correctly.
  • Additional data must be read in case of a file from MCA mode (mainly dwell time).