
An example project that demonstrates sending large files via SOAP with attachment streaming on both client and server. This fork adds the apache cxf server implementation

Primary LanguageJava

An example project that demonstrates sending large files via SOAP with attachment streaming on both client and server.


mtom-soap-client — the client based on Apache CXF

mtom-soap-common — WSDL schema of the service, build-time generated JAXB2 and CXF classes

mtom-soap-server — the server application based on Spring Web Services and SAAJ


  • Oracle JDK 1.7.0_25
  • Apache Tomcat 7.0.41


mtom-soap-server/src/main/resources/settings.properties — the upload.path property sets the directory for the server to upload files to. It refers to the Apache Tomcat temp folder by default.

mtom-soap-common/src/main/resources/service.wsdl — the port binding refers to URL http://localhost:8080/server/ which is the expected URL of the server application.

Running the example

  1. Run mvn clean package. The CXF and JAXB2 classes will be generated.
  2. Deploy the mtom-soap-server service on Apache Tomcat.
  3. Start Apache Tomcat with JVM argument -Dsaaj.use.mimepull=true — this enables attachment streaming for Sun's implementation of SAAJ bundled with Oracle JDK.
  4. Run the SampleClient class from mtom-soap-client. It takes the name of the file to attach as an argument.