
Web playground for Gödel's System T - http://larks.petebevin.com/primrec/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A web playground of Gödel's System T. This makes a lot more sense if you read chapter 9 of Pracical Foundations for Programming Lanugages, 2nd edition.



  • The REPL on the right is the main interface. Try things like three, double(5), plus(4)(3), and fact(4).
  • The toggle buttons mean:
    • Trace Execution: Show what rule is being used at each step. Rule numbers like 9.3(f) refer to the equation numbers in the text.
    • Show Decimal Values: print 6 instead of S(S(S(S(S(S(Z)))))), and 6 + x instead of S(S(S(S(S(S(x)))))).
    • Lazy Evaluation: Switch to using lazy evaluation (i.e., don't apply bracketed static and dynamic rules).
    • Use the force: In lazy mode, don't stop at head normal form, but keep forcing evaluation until there is a value under eager dynamics.
  • You can also type these as commands if you don't want to reach for the mouse: trace, decimal, lazy, and force respectively.
  • The editor at right is what I'm optimistically calling a "standard prelude", and you can add functions there. They won't get saved anywhere, though.


Clone this repository, then npm install and npm start. You can make a distribution build with npm run build, which drops files into the dist folder.