
A simple template for a wiki page for a TVP (thinnest viable platform) - as explained in the Team Topologies book

Thin Platform template

A simple template for a wiki page for a TVP (thinnest viable platform) - as explained in the book Team Topologies by Matthew Skelton @matthewskelton and Manuel Pais @manupaisable.

See teamtopologies.com for more details about Team Topolologies.

Copyright © 2018-2020 Team Topologies - Licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0 CC BY-SA 4.0


A simple but comprehensive wiki page for the platform provides a single point of entry for anyone wanting to know more about a service, report an issue or find out the current status, roadmap and so on.

How to use

Each team responsible for a platform service should answer the questions and fill in the details below. Repeat the Service details for each service that the team builds & runs.

(Thin) platform wiki

Platform hours of operation:

Service details

  • Short service description/purpose:
  • Live status page:
  • Link to onboarding documentation:
  • Link to service interface documentation:
  • Here's a simple example of service usage:
Response times
  • Responsible platform team name:
  • Platform team response time for major incidents:
  • Platform team response time for other incidents:
  • Platform team response time for support:
  • Platform team response time for feedback:
  • Link to service roadmap:
Communication channels

To report a possible incident

Contact exclusively via:

  • Slack - Channel:
  • Phone - Phone number:

To ask for support or provide feedback

Contact via any of these:

  • Slack - Channel:
  • Email - Email address:
  • Phone - Phone number:
  • Office hours - Day and time of the week:

(Repeat these Service details for other services operated by the team)