Did a pedestrian or passing car ruin your shots of a landmark? The target of this tool is merge photos to remove unwanted people or objects in motion.
To work properly you need to have multiple shots, each one must had the same size, jpeg 24 bit.
This tool create an image with all pixel that are shared in all images (automatically removing the moving objects).
a demo with html upload form is supplied, you can find it live here: http://www.scrocconi.it/phpPhotosMerger/formUploadFiles.html
file Contents:
README.md this file
LICENSE gpl 3.0 license
checkModule.php this file check that you had properly installed gd library that is used for pixel manipulations
formUploadFiles.html form for Upload Files
formProcess.php process the files
libUpload.php to filter and validate files uploaded
libImageOjectRemove($imageFiles) this to the jon of merging the images! you could call directly this.