
The goal of this exercise was to design an API for a dating service like Dil Mil. There are several endpoints that client app can use. Below is the breakdown and description on how to use them.

Primary LanguagePython

Gravity Group API Documentation

The goal of this exercise was to design an API for a dating service like Dil Mil. There are several endpoints that client app can use. Below is the breakdown and description on how to use them.

Installation and How to Run

Tech Stack:

  • Python3 (backend)
  • Flask (web framework)
  • Firebase (cloud database)


How to run:

  • Drop the following files into /util directory
    • dilmil-firebase-adminsdk-e104a-9efd465be8.json
    • key.py
  • Run the following command through terminal (from Project root):
    • python3 app.py
  • If everything is setup correctly, the app will run on



This endpoint can be used to login a user with their email and password.

Request Type: POST
Request Body: form
email: email address of the user
password: password of the account

Sample request:

form: {
    email: 'parth.v.bhoiwala@gmail.com',
    password: 'bhoiwala'

Sample response:

    "displayName": "",
    "email": "parth.v.bhoiwala@gmail.com",
    "expiresIn": "3600",
    "idToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjY1NmMzZGQyMWQwZmVmODgyZTA5ZTBkODY5MWNhNWM3ZjJiMGQ2MjEiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3NlY3VyZXRva2VuLmdvb2dsZS5jb20vZGlsbWlsIiwiYXVkIjoiZGlsbWlsIiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNTU2NDc1MDI0LCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoicllOSHA4MXpPd09JekZ3UG5pWEJaNlJSMXF5MSIsInN1YiI6InJZTkhwODF6T3dPSXpGd1BuaVhCWjZSUjFxeTEiLCJpYXQiOjE1NTY0NzUwMjQsImV4cCI6MTU1NjQ3ODYyNCwiZW1haWwiOiJwYXJ0aC52LmJob2l3YWxhQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImVtYWlsX3ZlcmlmaWVkIjpmYWxzZSwiZmlyZWJhc2UiOnsiaWRlbnRpdGllcyI6eyJlbWFpbCI6WyJwYXJ0aC52LmJob2l3YWxhQGdtYWlsLmNvbSJdfSwic2lnbl9pbl9wcm92aWRlciI6InBhc3N3b3JkIn19.f_yGB-L6J2c0nKdcZIJUc0Js4Fqe-C897rVGQJawQggPepL0O1NHd9bageH9_78GbNR-C6ppJ-5cX2kcoOtPNcxlLfc3khlmiAwjDS3J94AMpDoTDqsYs6WqfSAeaBJsbqP5zqo1aMR3U9Nkio1a9UnONGqfglrFDLGjoqom0dOJWukHXSQi1-2nR5Qxrxd1qQEixiiIIfIvnaDFx_JZ08L0PFo45y3uEnGw3lLTW-0i06OHXuPZ_gSRyqvsUcU1dczyzn_XBnDe8zzRzmlJ0KVUKPsRj9XzMVcy0LMOSrXwyocevHTynqcfTfL_wPK980IDE2WZh4J5N4k-ISCiww",
    "kind": "identitytoolkit#VerifyPasswordResponse",
    "localId": "rYNHp81zOwOIzFwPniXBZ6RR1qy1",
    "refreshToken": "AEu4IL051M7t7IFbrpav6Ql03JiD1FY8D7GVNico-SCP0d7Hr0DfQWRmvgReaIJloR9Tu1o92YzQgEvZZUmfwbuF3lhjp1wTlVAcUe3D0pJ5CHmsndzdlYmDoj6Fd2hcYR_4ddvYEZAMVT_vR_nH0LGU8b1SlPtdDZOg_tsTLqfA72cOr4PQmNDyY1DpkEbxrzK3dT11-0zs",
    "registered": true

Get User Profiles


This endpoint can be used to get a list of all the users in the database.

Request Type: GET
Request Body: -none-

Sample request:


Sample response:

        "age": 19,
        "bio": "Junior at Harvard, favorite activity is scuba diving",
        "email": "jake@gmail.com",
        "name": "Jake Ballmer",
        "sex": "M",
        "user_id": "4bEurIdXSBVng0zpWB9GcDzgKks1"
        "age": 29,
        "bio": "Physician at UPenn, watching Netflix is my hobby",
        "email": "emily@gmail.com",
        "name": "Emily Davidson",
        "sex": "F",
        "user_id": "6fiAmbryEaRRFdjfeK8h1tnFj9m1"
        "age": 31,
        "bio": "Architect engineer, loves cooking food",
        "email": "amanda@gmail.com",
        "name": "Amanda Johnson",
        "sex": "F",
        "user_id": "9fmBjsJWuOWA2eS242hEOnXwkEt1"
        "age": 28,
        "bio": "DiCaprio 2, all day, J.I.D",
        "email": "nancy@gmail.com",
        "name": "Nancy DiCaprio",
        "sex": "F",
        "user_id": "Bp75dPhTmWWs88MxHQS2rNlqg9p2"
        "age": 21,
        "bio": "I love art",
        "email": "mary.jane@gmail.com",
        "name": "Mary Jane",
        "sex": "F",
        "user_id": "DxJEk5NAFufZYpH7jXjPTtpzV3r1"
        "age": 26,
        "bio": "Senior @ Dxrexel, Philly, Android, UI, Graphics",
        "email": "michael@gmail.com",
        "name": "Michael DiCioccio",
        "sex": "M",
        "user_id": "HuHRWFGH8yaHm8pOVqjspPtKD4g1"
        "age": 21,
        "bio": "Pursuing business at Yale, SRK fan",
        "email": "priyanka@gmail.com",
        "name": "Priyanka Shah",
        "sex": "F",
        "user_id": "amxiXfkMy7cExPDh8ju1JfQ76MJ3"
        "age": 24,
        "bio": "I love sports, and iOS dev, Ex Intern @Box",
        "email": "satish@gmail.com",
        "name": "Satish Boggarapu",
        "sex": "M",
        "user_id": "otnRgXkDbhQ7SmWesMIBpajfD7d2"
        "age": 23,
        "bio": "Android dev, love coffee and biking, #cricket fan",
        "email": "parth.v.bhoiwala@gmail.com",
        "name": "Parth Shah",
        "sex": "M",
        "user_id": "rYNHp81zOwOIzFwPniXBZ6RR1qy1"
        "age": 30,
        "bio": "Actor, Chef, Runner #marvel fan",
        "email": "rohit@gmail.com",
        "name": "Rohit Sharma",
        "sex": "M",
        "user_id": "x7jnlNxtVff4ZVKv4gGcy4Ffqzz1"


This endpoint can be used to get a specific user's profile.

Request Type: GET
Request Body: -none-
URL Parameters:
email: email address of the user
user_id: user id of the user

Sample request (by email):


Sample response:

    "age": 23,
    "bio": "Android dev, love coffee and biking, #cricket fan",
    "email": "parth.v.bhoiwala@gmail.com",
    "name": "Parth Shah",
    "sex": "M",
    "user_id": "rYNHp81zOwOIzFwPniXBZ6RR1qy1"

Sample request (by user id):


Sample response :

    "age": 29,
    "bio": "Physician at UPenn, watching Netflix is my hobby",
    "email": "emily@gmail.com",
    "name": "Emily Davidson",
    "sex": "F",
    "user_id": "6fiAmbryEaRRFdjfeK8h1tnFj9m1"


This endpoint can be used to get a list of users filtered by age and sex.

Request Type: GET
Request Body: -none-
URL Parameters:
min_age: minimum age to filter the users by
max_age: maximum age to filter the users by
sex: filter users by 'M' or 'F' for Male or Female, respectively

Sample request:


Sample response:

        "age": 28,
        "bio": "DiCaprio 2, all day, J.I.D",
        "email": "nancy@gmail.com",
        "name": "Nancy DiCaprio",
        "sex": "F",
        "user_id": "Bp75dPhTmWWs88MxHQS2rNlqg9p2"
        "age": 29,
        "bio": "Physician at UPenn, watching Netflix is my hobby",
        "email": "emily@gmail.com",
        "name": "Emily Davidson",
        "sex": "F",
        "user_id": "6fiAmbryEaRRFdjfeK8h1tnFj9m1"



This endpoint can be used to make a user1 like user2.

Request Type: POST
Request Body: form
current_user_id: user id of the user who performed the like
liked_user_id: user id of the user who got liked

Sample request:

form: {
    current_user_id: 'x7jnlNxtVff4ZVKv4gGcy4Ffqzz1',
    liked_user_id: 'Bp75dPhTmWWs88MxHQS2rNlqg9p2'

In this case, current_user_id is "Rohit Sharma" and liked_user_id is "Nancy DiCaprio"

Sample Response:

    "code": 15,
    "message": "Action successfully processed"


This endpoint can be used to get a list of users that a given user has liked.

Request Type: GET
Request Body: form
user_id: user id of the user whose likes to fetch

Sample request:

form: {
    user_id: 'rYNHp81zOwOIzFwPniXBZ6RR1qy1',

In this case, user_id is "Parth Shah"

Sample Response:

        "age": 28,
        "bio": "DiCaprio 2, all day, J.I.D",
        "email": "nancy@gmail.com",
        "name": "Nancy DiCaprio",
        "sex": "F",
        "user_id": "Bp75dPhTmWWs88MxHQS2rNlqg9p2"
        "age": 21,
        "bio": "I love art",
        "email": "mary.jane@gmail.com",
        "name": "Mary Jane",
        "sex": "F",
        "user_id": "DxJEk5NAFufZYpH7jXjPTtpzV3r1"


This endpoint can be used to get a list of users who have liked a given user.

Request Type: GET
Request Body: form
user_id: user id of the user whose likers to fetch

Sample request:

form: {
    user_id: 'Bp75dPhTmWWs88MxHQS2rNlqg9p2',

In this case, user_id is "Nancy DiCaprio"

Sample Response:

        "age": 23,
        "bio": "Android dev, love coffee and biking, #cricket fan",
        "email": "parth.v.bhoiwala@gmail.com",
        "name": "Parth Shah",
        "sex": "M",
        "user_id": "rYNHp81zOwOIzFwPniXBZ6RR1qy1"
        "age": 30,
        "bio": "Actor, Chef, Runner #marvel fan",
        "email": "rohit@gmail.com",
        "name": "Rohit Sharma",
        "sex": "M",
        "user_id": "x7jnlNxtVff4ZVKv4gGcy4Ffqzz1"



This endpoint can be used to make a user1 dislike user2.

Request Type: POST
Request Body: form
current_user_id: user id of the user who performed the dislike
disliked_user_id: user id of the user who got disliked

Sample request:

form: {
    current_user_id: 'amxiXfkMy7cExPDh8ju1JfQ76MJ3',
    disliked_user_id: '4bEurIdXSBVng0zpWB9GcDzgKks1'

In this case, current_user_id is "Priyanka Shah" and disliked_user_id is "Jake Ballmer"

Sample Response:

    "code": 15,
    "message": "Action successfully processed"


This endpoint can be used to get a list of users that a given user has disliked.

Request Type: GET
Request Body: form
user_id: user id of the user whose dislikes to fetch

Sample request:

form: {
    user_id: 'amxiXfkMy7cExPDh8ju1JfQ76MJ3',

In this case, user_id is "Priyanka Shah"

Sample Response:

        "age": 19,
        "bio": "Junior at Harvard, favorite activity is scuba diving",
        "email": "jake@gmail.com",
        "name": "Jake Ballmer",
        "sex": "M",
        "user_id": "4bEurIdXSBVng0zpWB9GcDzgKks1"


This endpoint can be used to get a list of users who have disliked a given user.

Request Type: GET
Request Body: form
user_id: user id of the user whose dislikers to fetch

Sample request:

form: {
    user_id: 'Bp75dPhTmWWs88MxHQS2rNlqg9p2',

In this case, user_id is "Jake Ballmer"

Sample Response:

        "age": 21,
        "bio": "Pursuing business at Yale, SRK fan",
        "email": "priyanka@gmail.com",
        "name": "Priyanka Shah",
        "sex": "F",
        "user_id": "amxiXfkMy7cExPDh8ju1JfQ76MJ3"



This endpoint can be used to get a list of users who have been matched with the given user.

Request Type: GET
Request Body: form
user_id: user id of the user whose matches to fetch

Sample request:

form: {
    user_id: 'rYNHp81zOwOIzFwPniXBZ6RR1qy13',

In this case, user_id is "Parth Shah"

Sample Response:

        "age": 21,
        "bio": "I love art",
        "email": "mary.jane@gmail.com",
        "name": "Mary Jane",
        "sex": "F",
        "user_id": "DxJEk5NAFufZYpH7jXjPTtpzV3r1"


This endpoint can be used to get a list of users who could be potential matches for the given user.

Request Type: GET
Request Body: form
user_id: user id of the user whose potential matches to fetch

Sample request:

form: {
    user_id: '6fiAmbryEaRRFdjfeK8h1tnFj9m1',

In this case, user_id is "Emily Davidson"

Sample Response:

        "age": 24,
        "bio": "I love sports, and iOS dev, Ex Intern @Box",
        "email": "satish@gmail.com",
        "name": "Satish Boggarapu",
        "sex": "M",
        "user_id": "otnRgXkDbhQ7SmWesMIBpajfD7d2"
        "age": 26,
        "bio": "Senior @ Dxrexel, Philly, Android, UI, Graphics",
        "email": "michael@gmail.com",
        "name": "Michael DiCioccio",
        "sex": "M",
        "user_id": "HuHRWFGH8yaHm8pOVqjspPtKD4g1"
        "age": 30,
        "bio": "Actor, Chef, Runner #marvel fan",
        "email": "rohit@gmail.com",
        "name": "Rohit Sharma",
        "sex": "M",
        "user_id": "x7jnlNxtVff4ZVKv4gGcy4Ffqzz1"

Updating User Profile


This endpoint can be used to update a user's name.

Request Type: POST
Request Body: form
user_id: user id of the user whose name needs to be updated
new_name: new name of the user

Sample request:

form: {
    user_id: 'rYNHp81zOwOIzFwPniXBZ6RR1qy1',
    new_name: 'Parth Bhoiwala'

In this case, user_id is "Parth Shah"


This endpoint can be used to update a user's bio.

Request Type: POST
Request Body: form
user_id: user id of the user whose bio needs to be updated
new_bio: new bio of the user

Sample request:

form: {
    user_id: 'rYNHp81zOwOIzFwPniXBZ6RR1qy1',
    new_bio: 'Android dev, I love coffee and biking, #cricket fan'

In this case, user_id is "Parth Bhoiwala"


This endpoint can be used to update a user's age.

Request Type: POST Request Body: form
user_id: user id of the user whose age needs to be updated
new_age: new age of the user

Sample request:

form: {
    user_id: '9fmBjsJWuOWA2eS242hEOnXwkEt1',
    new_age: 32

In this case, user_id is "Amanda Johnson"

Sample Response for the above endpoints:

    "code": 16,
    "message": "Update request successfully processed"

Errors and Exceptions

Below are the error code and their corresponding messages that will be returned in case of invalid API request.

Name Code Message
MISSING_ATTR_USER_ID 1 Missing attribute in request form. user_id must be passed in using form in the request
MISSING_ATTR_USER_ID_LIKE 2 Missing attributes in request form. current_user_id and liked_user_id must be passed in using form in the request
MISSING_ATTR_USER_ID_DISLIKE 3 Missing attributes in request form. current_user_id and disliked_user_id must be passed in using form in the request
MISSING_ATTR_AUTH 4 Missing attributes in request form. email and password must be passed in using form in the request
MISSING_ATTR_GET_USER 5 Missing attributes in request form. email or user_id must be passed in as the request parameters
EMAIL_NOT_FOUND 6 User with the given email does not exist in the database
USER_ID_NOT_FOUND 7 User with the given id does not exist in the database
NO_LIKES 8 User has no likes
NO_DISLIKES 9 User has no dislikes
NO_MATCHES 10 User has no matches
NO_POTENTIAL_MATCHES 11 No potential matches found for user
MISSING_ATTR_NEW_NAME 12 Missing attributes in request form. new_name must be passed in using form in the request
MISSING_ATTR_NEW_AGE 13 Missing attributes in request form. new_age must be passed in using form in the request
MISSING_ATTR_NEW_BIO 14 Missing attributes in request form. new_bio must be passed in using form in the request