
App for fetching the list of current movies in the theatre

Primary LanguageJava

ImdbAPI-Films (Under Development)

The following app is the part of the Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree. Features -

  • The app fetches the data from The MovieDb api and displays latest, popular and highest rated movies to the user.
  • Displays details about the movie such as Name, Release Date, Rating and Poster. (New Features coming)

Getting API_KEY for the project and adding to the project -

  • Sign in to TheMovieDb api get and your api key for the project.
  • Open the file "gradle.properties" in the root directory.
  • Replace API_KEY with your original api key.

Technical features used -

  • Dependency Injection (Dagger2) to separate configuration and UI
  • Butterknife for view injection and Picasso for Image loading
  • Retrofit2 and Gson for making API calls.
  • Recycler view and Cardview - to display list of repositories and contributors.
  • Animation for the recycler view.
  • Bottom Navigation menu for easy navigation.

Quality Assurance

  • Checkstyle, Findbugs, PMD and Lint for static code analysis