
Embodied Intelligence – Perception and Learning in Nature and Robotics

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Initial Setup


We assume that you have Python 3.x with pip, and the ability to look at Jupyter notebooks. We recommend VS Code as an IDE.

Virtual Environment (Optional)

Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv

Now you need to activate the virtual environment

source venv/bin/activate

Next, install IPykernel which provides the Python kernel for Jupyter

pip install --user ipykernel

Add your virtual environment to Jupyter by typing

python -m ipykernel install --user --name=venv

Tutorial 1: Dynamics, Controls, Planning, and Multi-Robot Collision Avoidance

All requirements are listed in the requirements1.txt, to install them simply run:

pip install -r requirements1.txt

Open tutorial_1.ipynb and follow the TODO's therein.

Tutorial 2: YOLOv5 for distance estimation


All requirements are listed in the requirements2.txt, to install them simply run:

pip install -r requirements2.txt


For training and evaluation we need to have pictures together with labels (robot distances). We recorded robot poses using a MoCap system. Robot poses are saved in csv format. The required data can be downloaded here.

Tutorial 3: Lego Mindstorm Robots

1. Connect

Connect to the following Wifi Network: "TP-Link_3F22_ActivePercpt". Note that this network does not provide Internet access for security reasons.

We recommend using VS Code with the "Remote - SSH" extension. To connect:

  1. Ctrl+Shift+P: "Remote-SSH: Add New SSH Host"

  2. Type ssh pi@<IP-ADDRESS>, where you can find the IP address based on the table below.

    Robot IP
  3. Ctrl+Shift+P: "Remote-SSH: Connect to Host", select the host you added, and use pi as password.

  4. Open the folder /home/pi/Desktop/SCIoI_summer_school/

You can now edit files like on your local machine. The integrated VS Code terminal is executing on the robot.

Open a terminal using the menu View/Terminal, so that you can execute scripts in the next tasks.

2. Camera Test


python3 camera.py

and inspect test.jpg.

3. Motor Test

Put the robot on the ground and execute

python3 motors.py

Note that the motor speed values are between -100 and 100. Play around with different values.

4. Perception


python3 perception.py

Follow the Visual Studio link to open meshcat in your browser and append /static/ (including the trailing slash) to the URL.

Alternatively, open the following URL in your browser: http://<IP-of-your-robot>:7000/static/ (including the trailing slash).

5. Keyboard Control

In a second terminal (or a second person), use

python3 ssh_control.py

To control your robot with your keyboard.

6. State Estimate

In order to estimate the state of our robot, we use the robot dynamics as well with the known observed angular velocity of the wheels. The code is already prepared to keep track of the angular velocity of the wheels and calls a state_estimate() function in regular intervals. However, one still needs to use the robot dynamics to update the (belief) state.

Find the TODO in state_estimation.py, then test your code with different robot motions.

7. Robot Controller

The controller is operating with a receding planning horizon: At each timestep, a new trajectory is planned, and then the first action is executed using the control law.


python3 controller_example.py

and try different goals and gains.

8. Multi-Robot Collision Avoidance

To execute everything together, take a look at summerschool.py. For testing, you may add additional "virtual" robots, or work together with other teams to try a true multi-robot collision avoidance.