
This is code going with the paper "The Best of Both Worlds: Combining CNNs and Geometric Constraints for Hierarchical Motion Segmentation" (CVPR 2018)

Primary LanguageMATLAB

The Best of Both Worlds: Combining CNNs and Geometric Constraints for Hierarchical Motion Segmentation

This is the implementation of the paper The Best of Both Worlds: Combining CNNs andGeometric Constraints for Hierarchical Motion Segmentation (CVPR 2018). The code generates motion segmentation masks segmenting multiple independently moving objects. In addition an approach to estimate the camera's rotation and translation diretion is provided.

The code is documented and designed to be extended. If you use it in your research, please consider citing this paper (bibtex below).


Getting Started

  1. install miniconda (from your home directory on swarm2):
wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
  1. setup the conda environment:
conda create --prefix ~/dense-crf-conda python=2.7
source activate ~/dense-crf-conda
pip install pydensecrf     [this takes a long time ... without any output messages!]
conda install numpy
conda install scipy
conda install scikit-image
  1. download and compile VLFeat with MATLAB support OR alternatively download the pre-compiled version (for Ubuntu Linux):
cd [PATH]/hierarchical-motion-segmentation/utils
wget /usr/local/webdocs/httpdocs/motionSegmentation/CVPR18-paper/vlfeat-0.9.20.zip
unzip vlfeat-0.9.20.zip
  1. download python code for conditional random fields (crf):
wget https://github.com/AruniRC/crf-motion-seg/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
  1. start matlab inside you virtual environment that you created with conda:

Moving Object Segmentation

A demo version of the code can be run in MATALB by simply executing

cd [PATH]/hierarchical-motion-segmentation

This will run the motion segmentation code on the first three frames of the forest video sequence of the complex background dataset. Resuls can be found in the folder ./samples/results.

Running code without "objectness" knowledge

You can also run the code only based on optical flow - without using "objectness" knowledge. In that case no precomputed results from an object proposal algorithm are required. To do so run:


Camera Motion Estimation

You can can run the camera motion estimation code alone as follows:

[ rotation_ABC, translation_UVW] = CameraMotion( flow, motionSegmentationMask, rotation_ABC_prev, focallength_px )


  • flow is the the flow matrix with the size [H, W, 2],
  • motionSegmentationMask is a binary mask (size [H,W]) where static areas are labeled with ones and moving objects with zero,
  • rotation_ABC_prev is the estimated rotation of the previous frame and
  • focallength_px defines the focallength in pixel of the camera used.

This method outputs the three camera rotation angles [A, B, C] and the translational motion direction [U, V, W] (unit vector).

Download precomputed paper results

To reproduce the paper's results we provide

  • precomputed optical flow files that were generated using Optical Flow Matlab Code and
  • object segmentation masks generated by an object proposal algorithm sharpmask.

Precomputed input data (flow and object proposal masks) as well as final segmentation masks computed using this code can be downloaded under the following links:

  • flow of all three datasets (FBMS, camouflaged animals and complex background): download (XXXMB)
  • object proposal masks of all three datasets (FBMS, camouflaged animals and complex background): download (XXXMB)
  • final motion segmentation masks used for evaluation: download (17.6MB)

Differences from the Official paper

Commit abcdef follows the implementation of the hierarchical-motion-segmentation paper. Later on further improvments have been made mostly for camera motion estimation. Deviations from the main paper are the following:

  • Improved rotation compensation in 3D:
  • More robust (but slower) optimization procedure:


Use this bibtex to cite this repository:

author = {Bideau, Pia and RoyChowdhury, Aruni and Menon, Rakesh R. and Learned-Miller, Erik},
title = {The Best of Both Worlds: Combining CNNs and Geometric Constraints for Hierarchical Motion Segmentation},
booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2018}

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