Easily add a fake input field for address completion with Google Maps/Places.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Google Maps Address Completion

Enable a fake input field for address completion using Google Places. GMAC hide the real address input field and run only once. Thereafter, only the real address field will appear.


  • A Google Maps API account.


Include Script Links

Include TEGGMAC in your page header.

<script src="https://www.server.com/path/TEGGMAC.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Include Fake Address Blocks

Before the TEGGMAC object can be initialized, the form must contain one or more fake address blocks associated with real address fields in the form. If the CMS won't let you insert arbitrary HTML, it will be necessary to do so with some extra JavaScript.

For each block of address fields which require the autocompletion feature, add a block of HTML similar to this just above the street address field:

<div class="fakeAddress" style="display: none;">
   <label for="shippingAddressFinder">Address 1 *</label>
   <input autocomplete="off" id="shippingAddressFinder" placeholder="Enter a location" type="text" data-target="#en__field_supporter_address1" />
   <input data-fieldtype="street_number" data-fieldlength="short_name" type="hidden" />
   <input data-fieldtype="route" data-fieldlength="long_name" type="hidden" />
   <input data-fieldtype="locality" data-fieldlength="long_name" type="hidden" data-target="#en__field_supporter_city" />
   <input data-fieldtype="administrative_area_level_1" data-fieldlength="short_name" type="hidden" data-target="#en__field_supporter_region" />
   <input data-fieldtype="postal_code" data-fieldlength="short_name" type="hidden" data-target="#en__field_supporter_postcode" />
   <input data-fieldtype="country" data-fieldlength="short_name" type="hidden" data-target="#en__field_supporter_country" />

The class fakeAddress on the outermost div element is required for the script to recognize the block. See Configuration: fakeAddressSelector below to alter this.

The values for data-fieldtype indicate the following:

Value Meaning in US Address
country country
locality city
administrative_area_level_1 state
postal_code zip code

The values for data-fieldlength must be one of long_name or short_name. The recommended selections are set in the example above.

Each data-target attribute is a CSS selector to uniquely identify the real form field to receive each part of the address data.

Note that the id of the one visible text field and the for of the label should be unique and match each other.

In your custom JavaScript for the form, initialize the object with an API Key from Google Cloud under Credentials.

// initialize Google Address Completion
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { let myGMAC = new TEGGMAC({APIKey : 'API Key Value from https://console.cloud.google.com'}); });


TEGGMAC requires an object which configures the address completion. Valid values are:

Key Type Required Description Default
APIKey String Required Unique API Key value generated for the site's Google API project. Empty String
countryCodes Plain Object Optional A list of two letter country codes and preferred values. This is used to translate the two letter code of the short_name country value to whatever the form uses. This allows the client to configure their country select field to two or three letter code values at whim. { 'AF': 'AFG', 'AL': 'ALB', 'DZ': 'DZA', ... 'ZM': 'ZMB', 'ZW': 'ZWE',}
fakeAddressSelector String Optional A CSS selector to identify all the fake address blocks '.fakeAddress'
realAddressBlockSelector String Optional CSS selector to identify the HTML block containing the real address input field. This is used in a closest() call. Default is for Engaging Networks. '.en__field'
realAddressBlockDisplayClass String Optional CSS class name to add when the real address block should be visible. Based on the assumption that the CMS is using class names to swap content (if it even does) this allows the CMS to function as expected. ''
realAddressBlockHideClass String Optional CSS class name to add when the real address block should be hidden. Default is for Engaging Networks. 'en__hidden'
afterLoad Function Optional Function to run after all fake input blocks have been initialized. () => true;

At a minimum, the options object must contain a value for APIKey.



A plain object containing the options used to initialize the instance of TEGGMAC. See Configuration above.


A NodeList containing the address completion elements identified by fakeAddressSelector above. Each entry has a new addrFinder property.


Property Type Description
realAddrField HTML Node The real input field generated by the CMS.
realAddrBlock HTML Node Parent element of realAddrField used to hide and display the input field.
addrFinderField HTML Node The input field used for address completion.
fakeCountryField HTML Node The ideally hidden field which receives the country value output from Google Maps.
realCountryField HTML Node The form field generated by the CMS which will get the translated country value.
autocomplete Plain Object Object returned by google.maps.places.Autocomplete()
addrCompleted Boolean True if the Google address completion has run. Hopefully, this means that the real address fields have been populated.
fillInAddress Function This parses the output from Google Maps and populates the real input fields.
geolocate Function Sets Google Maps to favor the general location of the user.