
AnchoreCLI Simple web interface

Primary LanguageHTML

Simple Anchore CLI UI

What is anchoresi

Anchoresi is a very basic webinterface which talks to your Anchore platform API. Current support are basic functions like image overview, vulnerability overview, adding and deleting images from the platform.

What is Anchore?

Anchore is a tool and/or platform to analyse container images for vulnerabilities and matching compliance. You can host a platform yourself or you could use the Anchore SAAS offering.

Why would I use this anchoresi?

This is a webinterface which is capable of handeling the basic CRUD actions on your Anchore platform instead of using the anchore-cli tool.

How do I get started with Anchore?

To hit the ground running use the Anchore SAAS offering. To host a cluster yourself e.g on a kubernetes cluster checkout github deployment pages.

Some screenshots of the anchoresi project.

System Status alt text Image Overview alt text

Running the app.

To run the app you need to set 3 environment variables.

export URL=https://anchore.YOURIP.nip.io
export USERNAME=admin

Next you can start the Flask microframework.

python app.py
Using the Docker container.

A docker container will be automaticly build after updating the application code. To use this container you need to provide environment flags

docker run -p 5000:5000 \
-e URL=https://anchore.YOURIP.nip.io \
-e USERNAME=admin \