
Makes possible of publishing PWA to Apple Store like TWA from Google.

Primary LanguageSwiftThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Makes possible of publishing PWA to Apple Store like TWA from Google. Supports work with push notifications from JS code, handle auth providers by redirect URL, handle external links, print page support, and loading animation. Firebase cloud messaging are used for Push Notifications.

Supports everything that can do Safari (like Location, Media, Share, Pay, and other Web APIs) and more (like Push, Print, and everything you added on top) with native callbacks.

This project has grown from the internal development of Hostme App.

The iOS part of PWA Builder project forked this repository as a template and it's should develop faster, so take a look at it first.


Launch process Native Push API request MSAL Auth Redirect
Launch process Native Push API request Auth Redirect Example
Handle Push content in JS MacOS support
Handle Push content in JS MacOS support

Quick start

Install Pods references

  • Install CocoaPods to the system
  • Go to Repo folder and do in terminal pod install
  • Open file pwa-shell.xcworkspace

Generate Firebase keys

Generate APNS key

  • Go to https://developer.apple.com/account
  • Under "Certificates, IDs & Profiles", click on "Keys"
  • Click "+"
  • Give your key a name, and enable "Apple Push Notifications service (APNs)"
  • Click continue, then register. Download the .p8 key file.

Upload the APNS key to firebase

  • Go to https://console.firebase.google.com/
  • Under your project, create an iOS app if you haven't already. Ensure the bundle ID is correct.
  • Go to the iOS app settings
  • Click on the "Cloud messaging" tab
  • Under "Apple app configuration", upload your APNS key.

Change to your website

This app was setup to my website just for example. You should change this settings to yours. Don't forget about WKAppBoundDomains in Info.plist

JS Features

Push permission request

if (window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers['push-permission-request']) {
  window.iOSPushCapability = true;
pushPermissionRequest = function(){
  if (window.iOSPushCapability)
window.addEventListener('push-permission-request', (message) => {
  if (message && message.detail){
    switch (message.detail) {
      case 'granted':
        // permission granted
        // permission denied

Push permission state

pushPermissionState = function(){
window.addEventListener('push-permission-state', (message) => {
  if (message && message.detail){
    switch (message.detail) {
      case 'notDetermined':
        // permission not asked
      case 'denied':
        // permission denied
      case 'authorized':
      case 'ephemeral':
      case 'provisional':
        // permission granted
      case 'unknown':
        // something wrong

Push notifications handle

window.addEventListener('push-notification', (message) => {
    if (message && message.detail) { 
        if (message.detail.aps && message.detail.aps.alert)
            alert(`${message.detail.aps.alert.title} ${message.detail.aps.alert.body}`);

Push topic subscribe

if (window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers['push-subscribe']) {
  window.iOSPushCapability = true;
mobilePushSubscribe = function(topic, eventValue, unsubscribe?) {
  if (window.iOSPushCapability) {
      topic: pushTopic, // topic name to subscribe/unsubscribe
      eventValue, // user object: name, email, id, etc.
      unsubscribe // true/false

Print page dialog

if (window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.print) {
  window.iOSPrintCapability = true;
printView = function() {
  if (window.iOSPrintCapability)

HTML Features


don't forget to use viewport meta tag in your webapp

<meta name="viewport" content="viewport-fit=cover, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no">


  • More ellegant solution for toolbar and statusbar