
Standalone Laravel Artisan Command

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Artisan as a Package

Laravel Artisan is not available as a composer package. You can use Laravel Artisan in your project with this package.


  1. Run composer require moon/artisan
  2. Run ./vendor/moon/artisan/artisan artisan:init. This command creates artisan-config.php and artisan in your root directory.


  • Run php artisan make:console command-name to create a new command.
  • When you create a new command, it will have Artisan\Console\Commands namespace. For example, if you run php artisan make:console Hello, you will get Artisan\Console\Commands\Hello as a fully qualified class name.
  • Add the fully qualified class name to artisan-config.php
  • Run php artisan list to confirm.

For general usage, please refer to Artisan documentation at http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/artisan